Your feedback is important to us

The University of Texas System Police Department at SFA is committed to investigating and promptly addressing allegations of employee misconduct or criticism, whether initiated by citizens or department members. To foster trust between the police and the community, a complaint process is in place to protect the public from improper conduct, the department from damaging employees, and employees from unjust accusations.

Investigations are conducted using recognized techniques to ensure impartiality and fairness. Complaints can be submitted by letter, phone or in person, but Texas law requires formal complaints be in writing and signed by the complainant, either through a letter or the department’s complaint form.

Note: A disagreement over the validity of a traffic citation or point of law is not a complaint and should be resolved in the court that has jurisdiction. 

Submitting a formal complaint

To submit a formal complaint:

  • contact a police supervisor or any UTS-SFA police department employee and ask for a citizen's written complaint form
  • or send a notarized letter to SFA's chief of police.  

Your written statement must be signed, detailed and specific. Your complaint will be investigated quickly and with the utmost integrity. 

Receiving a copy of written complaint

Texas law requires the police employee be equipped with a copy of the written complaint in order to respond to allegations. Procedures are in place to prevent retributions for initiating a legitimate complaint. 

You will receive a receipt of your complaint containing a control number for tracking purposes. 

Submitting a complaint by phone

If you call with a complaint or don't complete the written process right away, we will send you a letter reminding you to provide a written statement to make the complaint official. 

If your complaint involves physical injury

If your complaint involves physical injury that required medical attention, you may be asked to sign a waiver to release your medical records and provide photographs of injuries.

Investigation results

Complaint dispositions

Complaint dispositions that may be reached at the conclusion of the investigation include:

  • Exonerated
    • The employee's actions were lawful and proper.
  • Unfounded
    • The incident did not occur or the employee was not involved.
  • Sustained
    • The investigation concluded that the incident occurred, the employee's actions were inappropriate or unlawful and administrative disciplinary action was taken.
      • Disciplinary action may include:
        • oral reprimand/counseling
        • training
        • written reprimand
        • suspension
        • demotion
        • termination
        • or criminal charges may be filed if a criminal activity complaint is sustained.
  • Not sustained
    • Evidence failed to prove or disprove the allegations. 

At the conclusion of the investigation, you will receive the investigation's results. If your complaint is sustained, we will not be able to disclose specific disciplinary action taken against the employee.