Students, staff and faculty members have the opportunity to obtain the knowledge and skills necessary to respond effectively during a wide range of emergencies.

Why take preparedness training?

When you choose to become trained to handle emergency situations, you will become:

  • empowered to take immediate action in emergency situations, potentially saving lives before professional help arrives.
  • a part of increased community resilience and engagement, fostering a sense of responsibility for collective well-being.
  • educated on common hazards, achieving skills to mitigate risks.

Our emergency management team is committed to providing high-quality training services that empower you to be better prepared for emergencies. Join us in our mission to create safer, more resilient communities. 

Explore the list below to better understand the various comprehensive emergency preparedness trainings and exercises we offer our campus community. 

American Heart Association CPR certification

Cardiovascular emergencies, such as cardiac arrest, can happen to anyone at anytime and anywhere. The American Heart Association CPR training courses provide participants with the skills to recognize cardiac arrest, perform high-quality CPR and use an automated external defibrillator when necessary. CPR training can significantly increase the chances of survival for victims of cardiac arrest.

"Stop the Bleed": how to handle life-threatening bleeding emergencies

Uncontrolled bleeding is a leading cause of preventable death in trauma situations. The Stop the Bleed training teaches individuals how to recognize and respond to life-threatening bleeding emergencies by applying pressure, packing wounds and using tourniquets. Rapid intervention through Stop the Bleed training can help save lives before professional medical help arrives.

All-hazard Emergency Preparedness

Emergencies can come in many forms, from natural disasters like hurricanes and earthquakes to human-made incidents such as chemical spills or active shooter situations. The All-hazard Emergency Preparedness training equips participants with the knowledge and skills needed to effectively prepare for, respond to and recover from a wide range of emergencies. By understanding common hazards and response protocols, individuals and divisions can mitigate risks and enhance resilience.

National Incident Management System/Incident Command System

National Incident Management System and Incident Command System training provide standardized frameworks for managing emergency incidents effectively. The training programs cover NIMS and ICS principles, roles and responsibilities to ensure responders understand how to work together seamlessly during emergencies. NIMS and ICS training enhances interoperability, coordination and efficiency in emergency response efforts.

Fentanyl awareness: how to recognize overdose symptoms and what to do

The opioid crisis continues to pose a significant threat to public health and safety. The Fentanyl Awareness training with the Narcan Administration educates participants about the dangers of fentanyl and opioid exposure/overdose, and trains them to recognize opioid overdose symptoms and administer naloxone – or Narcan – effectively. Timely administration of Narcan can reverse the effects of opioid overdose and save lives, making this training critical in communities affected by opioid misuse.

Functional exercises

Functional exercises are dynamic, scenario-based simulations that replicate real-life emergency situations. Participants are tasked with executing their emergency response plans in a realistic environment, allowing them to practice decision-making, coordination and resource management skills under pressure. Functional exercises are essential for assessing and improving the effectiveness of emergency response capabilities.

Table-top exercises

Tailored table-top exercises provide participants with hands-on experiences in responding to simulated emergency scenarios. These exercises allow individuals and organizations to test their emergency response plans, identify areas for improvement and enhance coordination and communication among team members. Table-top exercises are important for ensuring readiness and resilience in the face of diverse emergencies.

Contact Emergency Management

Jeremy Pickett, director
Call: 936.468.1667