If a crime is to be committed, the offender must have the desire, ability and opportunity to commit the crime.

Law enforcement can do little to remove the offender's desire and ability to commit crimes, but a few simple precautions can remove the element of opportunity.

Protect Your Property:

  • Lock your door every time you leave, even for short trips down the hall.
  • Do not leave valuables lying out in the open.
  • Engrave your driver's license number on all valuable property (Operation ID).
  • Record the serial numbers and brand names of all property.

Protect Yourself:

  • Lock your door when you take a nap or retire for the evening.
  • Require identification before admitting someone unfamiliar into your room.
  • Don't walk alone at night. Stay on lighted walkways and use the campus police escort service.
  • Report suspicious people or circumstances. Stop a crime before it happens.
  • Offer your confidential assistance to the campus police.