There are no alerts at this time.


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The Emergency Management team within The University of Texas System Police Department at SFA is the primary issuer of campus alerts.

The campus notification system used for Jack Alerts is in compliance with the Clery Act requirement for timely notifications to provide students, faculty and staff members with timely notification of safety concerns that represent a serious or continuing threat to the campus community and heighten awareness. For more information, review HOP policy 05-518.

Alerts sent through Jack Alerts also are shared through SFA's flagship social media accounts.

You may register up to three devices or accounts in the following categories:

  • cell phones to receive text messages and voice calls
  • home or office phones to receive voice calls
  • email addresses other than your SFA account.

Register for Jack Alert

Once you've registered, consider creating a new contact in your address book for "Jack Alert." Two numbers are used when receiving text alerts: "67283" and "226787."

Need help registering?

If you need assistance getting registered, contact the The University of Texas System Police Department at SFA at