During the 84th Texas Legislative Session, Senate Bill 11 was passed, allowing persons with a license to carry a handgun, under Texas Government Code Section 411.2031 and other applicable laws, to carry their handgun in a concealed manner on public university campuses beginning Aug. 1, 2016.

The law allows universities to establish policy restricting certain areas/events of the campus where concealed carry will not be allowed, and to establish storage requirements in residence halls.

In response to SB11, SFA sought recommendations through open forum and collected feedback from university stakeholders. Once the final recommendations were made to the university president, university policy 13.9, which covers firearms, explosives and ammunition, was amended to allow for campus carry and approved by the SFA Board of Regents on April 12, 2016. The policy was updated by the SFA Board of Regents on July 27, 2021.

Constitutional carry

A person who may lawfully carry a handgun under Texas law may carry a handgun in the parking lots, parking garages, sidewalks or walkways and other grounds where a university-sponsored activity is not taking place, unless otherwise indicated by proper notice.

Areas where concealed carry is prohibited

Under HOP policy 05-509, the university has designated the following locations where carrying of a concealed handgun is prohibited:

  • Janice A. Pattillo Early Childhood Research Center - entire premise including fenced grounds
  • Human Services Building (other than the telecommunications area) - entire premise
  • Health and Wellness Hub - entire premise
  • Third floor of the Rusk Building - first and second floors are not excluded from concealed carry
  • Any location where a high school, collegiate or professional sporting event takes place and where club or intramural athletic competition is taking place
  • Nonpublic, secure portions of the University Police building
  • Occasional, reasonable, temporary restrictions by the president for five days.

Campus storage - general

License holders may store handguns at the University Police building in accordance with the UTS-SFA police department policies and procedures.

Campus storage - residential facilities

License holders residing in campus housing may carry a concealed handgun into campus housing and may store their handgun in campus housing except during extended periods of absence, such as spring break and the periods between fall and spring semesters.

When storing a handgun in campus housing, the license holder must store the handgun in their residential room in a secured area or occupant-provided locked and secure container. Handguns may not be stored in designated campus housing during summer camps or other events attended by minors. Handguns may never be stored in campus housing by any person other than the licensed residential room occupant. Residents may not store a handgun for any other resident or person.

LTC holders who are employed as full-time residential staff in campus housing may store their handgun in their residence at all times in a secure area or resident-provided locked, secure container.

General information

No licensee may carry their handgun in an open manner and must ensure that the handgun is carried in a concealed manner at all times.

The license holder must keep the concealed handgun on or about their person at all times, including when being carried in a purse or backpack.

A license holder is not required to disclose whether they have a license, or is currently carrying a concealed handgun, to anyone except a judge or peace officer.

Effective notice of where handguns may not be carried will be provided at all excluded locations by adequate signage.

It is the responsibility of the licensee to know the permanently excluded locations as well as temporary locations.

Any license holder who carries a concealed handgun on a portion of the premises or grounds excluded by policy, or carries a partially or wholly visible handgun, may be arrested and charged under Texas Penal Code 46.035 with Unlawful Carrying of Handgun by a License Holder, a Class A Misdemeanor punishable by up to one in year in jail, a fine up to $4,000, or both jail time and a fine.

If you observe a visible weapon

Contact the campus police. Call 911 from an on-campus phone or 936.468.2608 from a cellphone.