Let's connect! Our social media accounts will keep you up-to-date on upcoming events and announcements of all sorts. They'll also provide an excellent look into what life as a Lumberjack is like to give you a sense of campus culture and the things that we value, emphasize and celebrate. Follow us to stay in the know.
Academic Areas
Arthur Temple College of Forestry and Agriculture
College of Sciences and Mathematics
College of Liberal and Applied Arts
James I. Perkins College of Education
Micky Elliott College of Fine Arts
Nelson Rusche College of Business
Office of Research and Graduate Studies
Offices and Campus Life
Office of Admissions
Alumni Association
Health and Wellness Hub
Lumberjack Learning Commons
SFA Makerspace
Orientation and Transitions Programs
Student Engagement
The Big Event
Biology Club
Computer Science Club
Horticulture Club
Jack Walkers
Organization of Latin Americans
The Plantery/SFA Horticulture Department
Purple Haze
SFA Gardens
Student Activities Association
Student Government Association
Veterans Resource Center