The University of Texas System Police Department at SFA

The University of Texas System Police Department at SFA is service-oriented and tailored to meet the needs of the institution. We provide a safe environment in which SFA's educational mission can be fully realized through crime prevention and control, criminal investigations, traffic and parking supervision, emergency services, public order maintenance, patrol and other related services.

We have a good working relationship with local law enforcement agencies, including Nacogdoches County Sheriff's Department, Nacogdoches Police Department, Texas Department of Public Safety, U.S. Customs and Border Patrol, Texas Rangers and the FBI. University police officers assist the Nacogdoches Police Department in city areas adjacent to campus when requested and serve city and county subpoenas, and occasionally, warrants. If city or county officers must conduct investigations or serve warrants on campus, they are assisted by the campus police.

Classes are provided each semester for residence hall supervisors, assistants and other campus leaders, and programs are presented relating to campus safety, theft prevention, personal safety and sexual assault prevention.

Our department is very supportive of HOP policy 15-512, which covers illicit drugs and alcohol abuse, and is distributed annually to both current and prospective employees and students by various departments within the university. We're obligated to enforce all laws and university rules and regulations pertaining to possession, sale, distribution and consumption of alcoholic beverages on university-owned property. The illegal use, possession, sale, delivery and/or manufacture of drugs will not be tolerated on university-owned property.

SFA's campus receives 24-hour patrol protection, including all parking lots, residence halls, administration and academic buildings. Our police officers are vested with all powers, privileges and immunities of peace officers within the county, including all streets and roads in which the university owns, rents, leases or otherwise controls property. These powers are in accordance with VTCA Education Code, Sections 51.203 as amended by HB 391, effective Sept. 1, 1987.