View and download quick reference guide 

Calling 911

To ensure the fastest response to your emergency, dial 911 from any campus phone, or 936.468.9111 from a cell phone. The emergency call will be directly answered by The University of Texas Police Department at SFA.

If you dial 911 from a cell phone, the emergency call will be directed to the Nacogdoches Police Department.

Campus emergency procedures

It's a good idea to become familiar with these procedures so that you know what to do if the need to apply them arises. Expand each section for procedure information and downloadable flyers, if available.

Severe Weather

When any weather warning from the National Weather Service is issued you should take precautions.

View and download printable emergency weather procedures:

Outdoor siren

Usually, the only weather warning that will result in an activation of the outdoor sirens is a tornado warning. The sirens will be activated if the tornado is near or on a path toward campus.

If a tornado campus alert is issued and/or you hear the weather tone from the outdoor siren system, you should seek shelter immediately.

If inside a building:

  • Go to the lowest level of the building, if possible.
  • Stay away from windows.
  • Go to an interior hallway, if possible.
  • Use your arms to protect your head and neck in a drop-and-tuck position.
  • Avoid the most dangerous locations of a building along the south and west sides and at corners.

If there is no time to get inside:

  • Lie in a ditch or low-lying area, or crouch near a strong building.
  • Use your arms to protect your head and neck in a drop-and-tuck position.
  • Use a jacket, cap, backpack or any similar items, if available, to protect your face and eyes.


Learn the location of the fire extinguishers, exits and fire alarm stations in your area.

If you see a fire:

  • Activate the fire alarm at a manual pull station.
  • Evacuate the building, assisting those who may need help.
  • Contact campus police immediately to report the fire - this will help them know it is not a false alarm.

When you hear a fire alarm:

  • Evacuate the building in an orderly manner. Elevators may not operate when an alarm is sounding, so be prepared to use the stairs.
  • Assist those who may need help.
  • If your department has designated an assembly point for evacuations, assemble there.
  • Alert first responders to anyone injured or left behind.
  • Do not return to the building until an all-clear message has been officially announced.

If there is smoke:

Smoke is the greatest danger in a fire, so stay near the floor where air will be less toxic.

Should you become trapped inside a building during a fire:

  • Call 911 and give them your exact location in the building.
  • If a window is available, place an article of clothing (shirt, coat, etc.) outside the window as a marker for the responders.
  • If there is no window, stay near the floor where the air will be less toxic.
  • Shout at regular intervals to alert responders of your location.

IMPORTANT: After an actual fire evacuation, report to your department head to let them know your status.


Some events that might prompt an evacuation are:

  • Fire or explosion
  • Hazardous materials release 
  • Bomb threat
  • Active shooter

Procedure for evacuation:

  • Evacuation orders will be disseminated via JackAlert/Rave Guardian.
  • Do not activate the building fire alarm system to achieve an evacuation.
  • Remain calm, but act quickly.
  • Promptly secure equipment, research, etc. in a safe shutdown condition before leaving.
  • Spread the word of the evacuation order to others as you exit the building or campus.
  • Remember to take personal belongings with you such as backpacks, briefcases, purses, car keys, or personal computing devices.
  • Exit the campus as directed in the alert message.
  • Pedestrians should exit campus by the shortest route - use crosswalks, obey police direction and do not impede traffic flow.
  • You may use your vehicle to leave campus unless directed otherwise in the alert message.
  • If possible, shuttle buses will continue to operate routes for outbound passengers only. Bus pickup locations may be altered and changes will be announced and posted on the campus alert website.
  • Parking and traffic staff may direct traffic at some on-campus intersections.
  • Police will assist with traffic control off-campus.
  • Do not call 911 unless there is an immediate, life-threatening emergency
  • Go to the campus alert website for regular updates and information regarding returning to campus.

Bomb Threat

If you receive a call or message regarding a bomb threat, refer to the bomb threat procedure and checklist in the quick reference guide

Lock-Down Procedure / Shelter-In-Place

If you witness any armed individual on campus, or if an individual is acting in a hostile or belligerent manner, contact campus police at 911 from a campus phone, or 936.468.9111 from a cell phone.

A lock-down procedure is used to secure all or part of the campus to remove people from harm and attempting to prevent a perpetrator(s) from entering facilities. The "sheltering people in place" method is used during a potential or actual event involving a threat of violence against the campus community.

While there might be other instances where a lock-down is initiated, this directive typically involves an active shooter situation where an intruder is threatening the personal safety and welfare of our students, faculty, staff and guests.

Campus police, along with other cooperating agencies, have adopted accepted law enforcement response procedures designed to contain and terminate such threats as quickly as possible. Part of that response may be to order a lock-down of facilities.

If a lock-down is ordered:

  • Secure the immediate area.
    • If able, lock or barricade the door using items such as desks, tables, file cabinets, other furniture or books.
    • Turn off the lights in the room.
    • After securing the door, stay behind solid objects away from the door.
    • If an assailant enters your room and leaves, lock or barricade the door behind them.
    • If safe to do so, allow others to seek refuge with you.
    • Avoid hiding in restrooms - they typically cannot be secured.
  • Take protective actions to reduce your vulnerability.
    • Close blinds.
    • Block windows.
    • Turn off radios and computers.
    • Silence cell phones.
    • Place signs in exterior windows to identify your location and the location of any injured persons.
    • Keep people as calm and quiet as possible.
    • After securing the room, people should be positioned out of sight and behind items that might offer additional protection such as wall, desks, file cabinets, bookshelves, etc.
    • Do not sound the fire alarms. This may cause others to flee the buildings and put them at risk.
    • Call campus police using 911 from a campus phone or 936.468.2608 from a cell phone.
  •  If you find yourself in an open area such as an auditorium or gym, seek protection immediately.
    • Put something between you and a potential assailant.
    • Escape if you know the location of the assailant, and there appears to be a safe escape route immediately available to you.
    • If in doubt, find the safest area available and secure it the best way you can.

Active Shooter! Run - Hide - Fight

Watch the State Office Risk Management How to Survive an Active Shooter video on YouTube.


  • When an active shooter is in your building or vicinity, attempt to evacuate if there is an escape path.
  • Evacuate, whether others agree or not.
  • Leave your belongings behind.
  • Help others escape, if possible.
  • Prevent others from entering the area.
  • Call 911 when you are safe.


If evacuation is not possible, find a place to hide.
Your hiding place should:

  • be out of the shooter's view,
  • provide protection if shots are fired in your direction; and
  • do not trap or restrict your options for movement.


  • As a last resort, and only if your life is in danger, attempt to incapacitate the shooter.
  • Improvise weapons such as books, chairs, fire extinguishers or backpacks.
  • Act with physical aggression.
  • Commit to your actions.

When first responders arrive:

  • Remain as calm as possible and follow instructions.
  • Keep your hands visible at all times.
  • Avoid pointing or yelling.
  • Know that help is on its way.