Security Systems and Cameras

Public Safety Technology

Security systems and cameras are installed to protect students, employees and visitors. Stand-alone systems are prohibited.

Process for alarm or security camera system installment

If your department would like an intrusion detection or surveillance camera system installed, you should expect the following process:

  1. Department representative should complete the work request form.
  2. We will review your request and reach out to determine the most effective system and installation location to achieve the desired objective.
  3. After the consultation, your request will be reviewed by the Chief of Police, or designee, who will determine whether the request is approved, disapproved or if there are recommended modifications.
Cost of installation

The cost of the new equipment and the installation is your department's responsibility.

Departments faced with unique situations pertaining to the purchase and/or installation may request an exception to this section of the policy, in writing, from the Chief of Police and the appropriate vice president or president's designee.

System maintenance

Routine monitoring of system operation

Once the system is installed, The University of Texas System Police Department at SFA public safety technology team will monitor operation and functioning of the system at no cost to the department. Intrusion detection alarms are monitored by the UTS-SFA police department's 24-hour communications center and an officer will be dispatched to a triggered alarm. 

System repairs

All security system repairs must be ordered through the UTS-SFA police department's public safety technology team. Notify us of the need for repair through the work request form.

  • Expense of a single repair less than $200: Paid by campus police.
  • Expense of a single repair greater than $200: Campus police will incur the first $200 and your department will pay the remaining cost.

Installation permanence

Once a security system is installed, it may not be removed, relocated or modified without approval.

To request the removal or modification of a security system, complete the work request form. The request will be reviewed by the Chief of Police, or designee, who will determine whether the request is approved, disapproved or if there are recommended modifications.

Ready to get started?

All requests for installations, repairs and changes must be submitted by sending a completed the work request form to

Work Request Form