This free mobile app offers features that allow you to communicate your location with The University of Texas System Police Department at SFA or other persons of your choice. See an informative walkthrough for setting up the app and using it.
Safety profile
Student-created safety profiles contain information submitted by you. Examples include: your current location, medical conditions, course schedule, addresses, photo and other critical data. It's important to remember only information you enter on the profile can be seen. When you need assistance (on- or off-campus), your safety profile is displayed to the UTS-SFA police department and Smart911 enabled 9-1-1 centers nationwide.
Personal guardians and safety timer
During a timer session, guardians can check the status of the student. If the safety timer is not deactivated before it expires, the person selected as a "guardian" is automatically provided with the user's Rave Guardian profile to proactively identify and check in on the individual.
Panic button
Direct immediate connection to campus police with GPS location and personal information that you've entered in your profile.
Tip texting
Enables anonymous, two-way, crime tip reporting through text and images.
The Rave Guardian app is designed to enhance campus safety through real-time interactive features that create a virtual safety network of friends, family and campus police.