Your feedback is important to us

The University of Texas Police Department at SFA's policy is to thoroughly investigate and promptly adjudicate allegations of employee misconduct or criticism of services initiated by a citizen or a member of the department. The relationship between the police and community is built upon confidence and trust. Therefore, it is essential we ensure complaints are properly handled.

Our department utilizes recognized and accepted investigative techniques to conduct impartial complaint investigations, and are committed to maintaining fairness and objectivity.

For steps on how to file a complaint, access our feedback brochure and record of complaint form.


Es la política del departamento de policía de la universidad que las denuncias/quejas de mala conducta de los empleados o de las criticas de los servicios, iniciados por un ciudadano o un miembro del departamento, se investiguen a fondo y se resuelvan los mas pronto posible.

Los ciudadanos que desean presentar una queja formal sobre la conducta de un empleado del departamento de policía de la universidad debe seguir los siguientes pasos: folleto y registro de queja.