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We know there's a big difference between a flute, trombone and bass drum. But we're grouping them together here because the career — and degree — options have a lot in common no matter which of these instruments you play.

The most common degree sought by winds, brass and percussion players is a Bachelor of Music in music education, preparing you to be an inspiring and effective band director at a public or private school. SFA has one of the best music education programs anywhere and our graduates have a job placement rate of nearly 100%.

For the very best players, another good option is a BM in performance, a program that will train you in the rigorous technical skills needed for a career as a professional performer. Depending on your instrument and interest, this may be in traditional concert music or jazz. Many of our performance majors also go on for graduate degrees to become college music professors.

Musicians these days make money in lots of different ways... often all at the same time. Therefore, a good player in the winds/brass/percussion field might also be active as a freelance player, studio musician or private lesson teacher.

Pursue an advanced degree

SFA also offers master's degrees in music education, conducting and performance — any of which might be an excellent choice for performers hoping to continue their studies.

Contact the School of Music

Mailing Address:
P.O. Box 13043, SFA Station
Nacogdoches, Texas 75962