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It's a rare and talented pianist who can make their living playing solo recitals and concertos with orchestras. The path to that career takes lots of practice and dedication, but SFA has just the right faculty and degree programs to help set you on your way.

Begin with a Bachelor of Music in performance with a piano concentration. While in this program, you’ll work closely with our talented piano faculty and build a foundation of skills and repertoire. You’ll have plenty of opportunities to perform and collaborate with other performers. If you’d like, you also can pursue our piano pedagogy certificate to help you develop a private studio on the side.

After that, consider either our performing artist certificate or our master’s degree in performance. These are both great options to help propel you toward a career as a concert performer, but can be equally helpful if you decide to pursue university teaching.

Contact the School of Music

Mailing Address:
P.O. Box 13043, SFA Station
Nacogdoches, Texas 75962