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SFA has thriving composition program at both the undergraduate and graduate levels that can prepare you for a variety of careers. The field is broader than it has ever been and includes composing original concert and chamber music in all styles (jazz, band, choir, orchestra, etc.), experimental and mixed-media collaborations (theatre, dance, installations, etc.) and the many types of media that need original music (film, TV, video game, etc.).

There also are many "affiliated" careers that relate to composition. These include:

  • music editing and publishing
  • classical music broadcasting
  • musical theatre writing
  • arranging and copyist work
  • and more.

Your degree would certainly prepare you to do well in any of these fields.

Be aware that composition is a highly competitive field, so you really need to shine to rise to the top. Many composers choose to stay in academia by pursuing graduate degrees and a career teaching at a university. This is a great fit because you'll work in a vibrant community of performers and other musicians, providing opportunities to write new music and have it performed. There also is excellent job security and benefits in academia (although the competition is stiff).

SFA has talented and successful graduates in all of the fields listed here. Our graduates are scoring major TV shows and movies, writing musical theatre, opera, band music, choir works, video games, marching shows and much more. Our dedicated faculty and modern curriculum will give you the tools to join them!

If you're more interested in composing songs, releasing albums and producing any sort of popular music, consider our sound recording technology degree.  While there is a lot of crossover between the two degrees, the SRT curriculum leans more toward all styles of popular music and the engineering, mixing and creative skills needed to succeed in that industry.

Our graduate degree in theory-composition allows students to focus on whichever area interests them the most or suits their career goals. This is a great fit for people hoping to become music theory teachers at any level and seamlessly leads to any doctoral program.

Many of our music education majors take some composition classes to gain the skills needed to be well-equipped to compose and arrange music for their own ensembles.

Contact the School of Music

Mailing Address:
P.O. Box 13043, SFA Station
Nacogdoches, Texas 75962