- December 21, 2015 - SFA Music Preparatory students perform in middle school all-region orchestra concert
- December 21, 2015 - SFA Music Preparatory students perform in high school all-region orchestra concert
- December 22, 2015 - History in the making: Radio/TV journalist discusses his induction into the Texas Radio Hall of Fame and events surrounding JFK's assassination
- December 18, 2015 - T.L.L. Temple Foundation gift aimed at ensuring adequate medical care in East Texas
- December 17, 2015 - SFA's hospitality administration students volunteer more than 780 hours
- December 17, 2015 - SFA mass communication students serve as social media ambassadors to Nacogdoches businesses
- December 16, 2015 - Banker Phares receives Nancy C. Speck Development Award at SFA Gala
- December 16, 2015 - Cole Art Center announces holiday hours
- December 16, 2015 - SFA's Nelson Rusche College of Business offering specialized degree in human resource management
- December 16, 2015 - Prominent donors honored at 27th annual SFA Gala
- December 15, 2015 - Man donates estimated 160-year-old ambrotype to Stone Fort Museum
- December 14, 2015 - Nelson Rusche College of Business announces Student Success Passport Program senior scholarship recipients
- December 11, 2015 - SFA's Nelson Rusche College of Business to offer international sports marketing course in spring 2016
- December 11, 2015 - SFA's visual impairment, orientation and mobility program hosts collaborative holiday celebration for area children
- December 10, 2015 - Lias commissioned for new composition celebrating centennial of National Park Service
- December 10, 2015 - Tickets still available to The 5 Browns' holiday performance at SFA
- December 8, 2015 - Prominent donors to be honored at 27th annual SFA Gala
- December 8, 2015 - SFA senior Josi Moore named Exemplary Student Teacher for fall 2015
- December 8, 2015 - SFA Charter School students donate thousands of aluminum pull tabs to Ronald McDonald House
- December 8, 2015 - SFA's School of Human Sciences participates in "Dine in" Project for Family and Consumer Sciences Day
- December 4, 2015 - SFA's Friends of the Visual Arts hosts First Friday Film Series
- December 4, 2015 - SFA's Schmidbauer Young Artist Competition seeks participants
- December 4, 2015 - HomeAway {From Home}: SFA alumna serves as CFO for leading online vacation rental company
- December 3, 2015 - Screening set for 'Christmas With the Dead'
- December 3, 2015 - SFA Music Preparatory recitals scheduled throughout December
- December 3, 2015 - SFA business students attend LinkedIn workshop
- December 2, 2015 - SFA Gala to honor outstanding faculty members
- December 1, 2015 - State Rep. John Zerwas to offer SFA commencement address
- December 1, 2015 - SFA Gardens to host holiday wreath-making seminar
- November 25, 2015 - Holiday concert to feature Christmas portion of 'Messiah'
- November 25, 2015 - SFA's Latin Lumberjacks to perform salsa-influenced program
- November 24, 2015 - SFA's Rockin' Axes to perform 'The Sounds of the '70s'
- November 24, 2015 - SFA theatre students to present 'Bobby Gould in Hell'
- November 24, 2015 - 'Inocente' documentary presents snapshot of homeless children in America
- November 24, 2015 - Congressional Art Competition exhibition to open in Griffith Gallery
- November 23, 2015 - Cole Art Center announces holiday hours
- November 23, 2015 - SFA accounting student places first in Project Run With It competition
- November 20, 2015 - 'Kids For President' children's show coming to SFA
- November 20, 2015 - SFA's Jacks Council on Family Relations serves community with Thanksgiving Homebound project
- November 20, 2015 - SFA voice students to present 'Fall Opera Scenes'
- November 19, 2015 - SFA student doubles as Lumberjack Marching Band drum major, Student Government Association president
- November 18, 2015 - Lumberjack Marching Band readies for Macy's parade performance
- November 18, 2015 - SFA Gardens Lecture Series to feature Director Dave Creech
- November 18, 2015 - Christmas gift idea: Tickets to The 5 Browns' holiday performance at SFA
- November 18, 2015 - Something Wicked This Way Comes: SFA School of Theatre opens 'Macbeth'
- November 17, 2015 - Annual 'Percussion in the Pines' concert to usher in holiday festivities
- November 17, 2015 - Wind Symphony, Symphonic Band to perform British, American classics
- November 16, 2015 - SFA's Wind Ensemble to present 'British Masters' program
- November 16, 2015 - SFA 101 class develops professional skills through workshops
- November 13, 2015 - Official SFA tartan scarf to be available end of November
- November 11, 2015 - SFA to host second annual Purple Premium Cattle Sale
- November 11, 2015 - SFA students receive Public Anthropology Award for Excellence in Writing on Public Issues
- November 11, 2015 - Nacogdoches Railroad Depot to host fifth-annual Loblolly Railroad Model Train Display
- November 11, 2015 - Saxophonist Nabb to perform collaborative recital
- November 11, 2015 - Social media interns help promote SFA's Nelson Rusche College of Business
- November 10, 2015 - SFA's Residence Hall Association to ring in the holiday season with annual extravaganza
- November 9, 2015 - Guest piano recital at SFA to feature Spanish music
- November 9, 2015 - 'Cello Is the New Black' performance slated at SFA
- November 9, 2015 - SFA jazz bands to perform tribute program
- November 6, 2015 - In Perspective production to feature SFA dance program, Repertory Dance Company
- November 5, 2015 - Moon to perform with Orchestra of the Pines
- November 5, 2015 - Students compete for scholarships, learn professional skills with new Passport Program
- November 5, 2015 - SFA Gardens to host herbal soap seminar
- November 4, 2015 - SFA Gardens Lecture Series to feature pollinators and pests
- November 4, 2015 - SFA's Music Prep students selected to all-region orchestras
- November 4, 2015 - Putting Down Roots: SFA alumni make their home on award-winning tree farm
- November 3, 2015 - Contemporary Guitar Ensemble to perform first SFA concert
- November 2, 2015 - SFA regents continue planning for new science facility
- October 30, 2015 - SFA's Trombone Choir to perform works by Gabrieli, Mendelssohn
- October 30, 2015 - Stone Fort Wind Quintet to perform audience favorites
- October 30, 2015 - SFA to host Showcase Saturday for prospective students
- October 28, 2015 - SFA students visit Appleby Community Farm for new experiential learning lab
- October 28, 2015 - Third annual Día de los Muertos Fiesta expected to draw large crowds
- October 28, 2015 - SFA elementary education majors bring the past to life with annual Pioneer Days
- October 27, 2015 - Double, Double Toil and Trouble: SFA School of Theatre to present 'Macbeth'
- October 29, 2015 - SFA announces changes to Homecoming events
- October 26, 2015 - New degree plan, minor expand SFA's School of Human Sciences' food, nutrition and dietetics program
- October 26, 2015 - SFA theatre students to present 'The Boor'
- October 26, 2015 - SFA film series to screen 'Greenwich Village: Music That Defined A Generation'
- October 26, 2015 - Madrigal Singers to perform music of Janequin, Rutter
- October 23, 2015 - Meyer, Lloyd to perform solos with SFA Percussion Ensemble
- October 23, 2015 - A Ghost Named Chester
- October 23, 2015 - Guest artists Galaganov, Owings to perform at SFA
- October 22, 2015 - SFA's Children of the Court to participate in Homecoming activities
- October 22, 2015 - SFA's Hachidori Duo to perform music of Ravel, O'Connor
- October 20, 2015 - SFA voice faculty to perform works of composer Hoiby
- October 19, 2015 - SFA's Department of Agriculture to host 'An Edible Evening' Oct. 22
- October 19, 2015 - SFA's A Cappella Choir to perform music of Bach
- October 19, 2015 - 12th Court of Appeals to hear cases at SFA
- October 16, 2015 - Dean's Circle recognizes award recipients
- October 16, 2015 - SFA's Choral Union, Women's Choir to perform program of sacred music
- October 16, 2015 - Work of composer Lias to be featured in New York City festival
- October 15, 2015 - PEN Trio to perform at SFA with special guest flutist Arnone
- October 15, 2015 - 'Songs and Life of Poldowski' topic of lecture recital at SFA
- October 14, 2015 - Interior design majors place fourth in IES lighting competition
- October 14, 2015 - SFA to host '25 Veinticinco' art exhibition
- October 13, 2015 - Exhibition explores folk art's relationship to religious, cultural traditions
- October 13, 2015 - Works by Mexican artist Miranda to show at Cole Art Center
- October 13, 2015 - Dalmas, Raychev to perform in Carnegie Hall
- October 13, 2015 - SFA Gardens to host Nacogdoches Naturally Outdoor Adventures Day
- October 9, 2015 - SFA student's internship with the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention proved successful, beneficial
- October 9, 2015 - Clardy kicks off Walk-Through-Texas walk-a-thon
- October 9, 2015 - SFA student affairs and Gen Jacks donate umbrellas to elementary school
- October 9, 2015 - SFA's Wind Symphony, Symphonic Band to feature works by composer Turner
- October 9, 2015 - Pianist Crappell to perform works of famous Hungarian composers
- October 8, 2015 - University Series to present The Hot Club of San Francisco
- October 8, 2015 - Selden's work featured in esteemed publication
- October 8, 2015 - Andrew exhibition showing at Arkansas university
- October 7, 2015 - Various Middle Eastern cultures reflected in "The Arabian Nights"
- October 6, 2015 - SFA's children's series to present "Fly Guy and Other Stories"
- October 6, 2015 - SFA theatre students to present 'Five Women Wearing the Same Dress'
- October 6, 2015 - Nakasone exhibition features the art of 'sho'
- October 6, 2015 - SFA Wind Ensemble to present "Legends" program
- October 6, 2015 - The Greatest Race: SFA alumnus runs marathons for charity
- October 2, 2015 - SFA School of Art to host graphic design conference
- October 1, 2015 - SFA Gardens Lecture Series to feature SFA soil scientist
- September 29, 2015 - SFA theatre students bring study-abroad experience to 'Arabian Nights'
- September 29, 2015 - SFA faculty member arrested
- September 28, 2015 - Counselor Summit to connect counselors, educators, administrators in region
- September 28, 2015 - Clarinetist Lignitz-Hahn to perform at SFA
- September 28, 2015 - SFA's jazz bands to perform program of classic swing music
- September 28, 2015 - Culinary Café to host reception for artist on Oct. 3
- September 22, 2015 - SFA's Aria/Concerto Competition winners to perform with Orchestra of the Pines
- September 22, 2015 - Guest piano recital to feature music of Tchaikovsky, Chopin
- September 22, 2015 - SFA trombonist Scott to perform eclectic program
- September 22, 2015 - SFA's First Friday Film Series to feature 'Samsara'
- September 22, 2015 - East Texas Historical Association to present Lale Lecture Oct. 8
- September 21, 2015 - Epidemics exhibit opens at SFA with two historical presentations
- September 21, 2015 - 'My Black Angel, Blues Poems and Portraits' CD to be released
- September 21, 2015 - McLure's 'Laundry and Bourbon' to be performed in SFA's Downstage Theatre
- September 18, 2015 - SFA reports fall 2015 enrollment
- September 18, 2015 - Sen. Nichols to speak at SFA's STEM patent education lecture series
- September 18, 2015 - Alazan Trio to perform Hagen's 'Angel Band'
- September 17, 2015 - Guest oboist Forsyth to perform at SFA in double-reed recital
- September 17, 2015 - SFA music faculty to be featured in concert
- September 17, 2015 - SFA School of Theatre to present 'The Arabian Nights'
- September 17, 2015 - SFA student financial advisors serve campus, community
- September 17, 2015 - Analysis technologies improve hands-on learning, specialized research at SFA
- September 16, 2015 - SFA hospitality students attend first Houston Tourism Summit
- September 16, 2015 - Green is the New Black recyclable fashion show hits the runway Oct. 15
- September 14, 2015 - New outdoor kitchen expanding SFA's hospitality administration program
- September 14, 2015 - SFA Gardens to host fall plant sale
- September 10, 2015 - SFA's Arthur Temple College of Forestry and Agriculture to host community-wide competition
- September 9, 2015 - SFA graduate student investigates Chinese tallow in East Texas' microbial communities
- September 9, 2015 - SFA to host Pitcaithley, Woodrow Wilson Visiting Fellow
- September 8, 2015 - Daniel, Frields exhibition showing at Cole Art Center
- September 4, 2015 - Allen, Petti to present collaborative program
- September 4, 2015 - Bassist Rusev to perform at SFA
- September 4, 2015 - Center student attending SFA on art scholarship
- September 4, 2015 - University Series to open new season with Sonali Skandan dance group
- September 4, 2015 - SFA Gardens Lecture Series to feature fall plant sale preview
- September 2, 2015 - SFA's First Friday Film Series to feature 'Tomato Republic'
- September 2, 2015 - SFA art faculty exhibition to showcase variety of mediums
- September 1, 2015 - Still time to audition for SFA Choristers
- August 28, 2015 - SFA art scholarship to honor Parker
- August 28, 2015 - Exhibition to feature work of UT Tyler art faculty
- August 25, 2015 - Auditions set for new SFA Choristers
- August 24, 2015 - Meyer to premiere unique percussion compositions
- August 20, 2015 - Three opportunities to ride the SFA fan bus this fall
- August 18, 2015 - SFA offers new safety-focused app
- August 12, 2015 - Exciting, educational children's shows coming to SFA campus
- August 11, 2015 - Art scholarship fundraiser to feature Kinsell's original work
- August 10, 2015 - SFA Alumni Association presents 2015 Alumni Awards
- August 7, 2015 - Former Nacogdoches mayor to offer SFA commencement address
- August 3, 2015 - Tubbs new preparator for SFA art galleries
- August 3, 2015 - SFA professor among 2015 National Project Learning Tree Outstanding Educators
- July 31, 2015 - SFA Gardens Lecture Series to feature Georgia plant explorer
- July 30, 2015 - Music Prep scholarship deadline extended
- July 29, 2015 - SFA Board of Regents approves faculty, staff changes
- July 29, 2015 - SFA Board of Regents approves construction of STEM Building
- July 28, 2015 - 'Scrap' documentary to show at Cole Art Center
- July 28, 2015 - SFA College of Fine Arts announces 2015-2016 University Series
- July 28, 2015 - SFA School of Theatre plans Scotland benefit
- July 27, 2015 - UPDATED: SFA students, faculty members injured in Peru bus accident
- July 22, 2015 - SFA graduate student analyzes vegetation for air quality improvement
- July 20, 2015 - Music Prep scholarships due
- July 16, 2015 - Watercolor East Texas exhibition to open at Cole Art Center
- July 14, 2015 - Governor appoints new SFA student regent
- July 13, 2015 - ImageMakers photography exhibition to open at Cole Art Center
- July 13, 2015 - SFA's SummerStage Festival announces final performance schedule
- July 6, 2015 - Artist Parker believes in giving back
- July 6, 2015 - Annual 12X12 event important fundraiser for SFA art scholarships
- July 10, 2015 - SFA mathematics and statistics professor awarded mentoring professorship
- July 6, 2015 - SFA's Phi Upsilon Omicron Honor Society takes top honor
- June 26, 2015 - SFA Gardens Lecture Series to feature viticulturist
- June 25, 2015 - 12X12 silent bidding begins for SFA art scholarship fundraiser
- June 24, 2015 - SummerStage Festival a bargain for family entertainment
- June 24, 2015 - 'Manufactured Landscapes' documentary to show at Cole Art Center
- June 16, 2015 - Registration deadline nears for Kindermusik Adventure Camps
- June 12, 2015 - Local photographic and art groups plan 2015 gallery shows
- June 12, 2015 - SFA's SummerStage director Bacarisse has diverse background
- June 19, 2015 - Scholarship bass fishing tournament announced
- June 5, 2015 - SFA theatre students bring fairy tale characters to Blueberry Festival
- June 5, 2015 - FVA's Jones Art Scholarship awarded to Longview graduate student
- June 2, 2015 - Tintype portraits available for purchase at Blueberry Festival
- June 2, 2015 - SFA theatre professor Jones selected to attend NEH summer institute
- June 2, 2015 - Registration under way for SFA's Educators' Summer Art Studio
- June 2, 2015 - SFA's Frields Art Scholarship awarded to Round Rock senior
- June 2, 2015 - SFA's Kinsell Art Scholarship awarded to Henderson junior
- June 1, 2015 - SFA Gardens Lecture Series to feature Earth-Kind horticulturist
- May 29, 2015 - Portraits of Freedom art exhibition to open June 13
- May 27, 2015 - SFA staff service awards
- May 27, 2015 - SFA faculty members recognized for years of service
- May 27, 2015 - SFA School of Theatre gearing up for SummerStage Festival
- May 27, 2015 - SFA art scholarship recipients announced
- May 26, 2015 - SFA to screen 'Dirt! The Movie'
- May 20, 2015 - SFA hosts continuing education event for area health professionals
- May 19, 2015 - Registration under way for SFA Summer Art Academy
- May 18, 2015 - SFA's A Cappella Choir prepares for concert tour in Italy
- May 14, 2015 - SFA Art Alliance spring show winners announced
- May 14, 2015 - SFA's Music Preparatory Division offers variety of summer programs
- May 13, 2015 - SFA alumnus and TV producer Matt Fizgerald visits campus
- May 8, 2015 - SFA graduate's work to be shown in Short Film Corner at Cannes Film Festival
- May 7, 2015 - Timber Falls jingle collaboration
- May 6, 2015 - SFA chair of military science to offer commencement address
- May 5, 2015 - Berry, Turner to perform as soloists in University Series concert
- May 5, 2015 - SFA's Music Preparatory Division presents spring recitals
- May 1, 2015 - Hoops for Scholars
- May 1, 2015 - Virtual museum exhibition highlights SFA students' experiences in Germany
- April 30, 2015 - SFA Gardens Lecture Series to feature designer of Mize Azalea Garden
- April 28, 2015 - Piney Woods Camerata to perform beloved music from Baroque period
- April 28, 2015 - 'August: Osage County' opens Tuesday
- April 28, 2015 - SFA's Children's Performing Arts Series to present 'The Lightning Thief'
- April 27, 2015 - SFA to host newly integrated Bright Ideas Conference April 29
- April 27, 2015 - Choral Masterworks Concert to feature Brahms' Requiem
- April 27, 2015 - SFA Wind Ensemble to present 'Chiaroscuro'
- April 24, 2015 - Spring in the Park slated for May 3
- April 23, 2015 - SFA bands to present annual 'Concert in the Park'
- April 23, 2015 - Rockin' Axes to present 'The Fathers of Rock and Roll'
- April 23, 2015 - 'Finding Vivian Maier' to show at Cole Art Center
- April 23, 2015 - 'August: Osage County' - Veteran actors share knowledge with, learn lessons from younger colleagues
- April 22, 2015 - SFA Wind Symphony to perform Boysen's powerful composition
- April 20, 2015 - SFA's Orchestra of the Pines to present 'Musical Portraits'
- April 20, 2015 - SFA's environmental science program receives national ranking
- April 20, 2015 - SFA's Arthur Temple College of Forestry and Agriculture to host Farm and Forestry Day
- April 20, 2015 - SFA hosts Nacogdoches ISD Leaders of Tomorrow
- April 17, 2015 - SFA Teaching Excellence Award Recipients announced
- April 17, 2015 - SFA Repertory to present 'Danceworks'
- April 17, 2015 - SFA's Pining for Birds Arcadian Adventure set for May 9
- April 16, 2015 - Florida artist wins first in Texas National; SFA student earns honorable mention
- April 16, 2015 - SFA College of Fine Arts Dean's Awards recognizes recipients' potential
- April 15, 2015 - Yapp exhibition features plein air landscapes in oil
- April 15, 2015 - SFA hosts health careers camp for area students
- April 15, 2015 - Summers awarded Edna Wilkin Teagarden Award at SFA
- April 15, 2015 - New dean among appointments approved by SFA Board of Regents
- April 15, 2015 - SFA Board of Regents approves renewal of marketing campaign
- April 14, 2015 - SFA Fashion Gallery to hold grand opening
- April 14, 2015 - Heifner to conduct beginner workshop in playwriting
- April 14, 2015 - SFA School of Theatre to present 'August: Osage County': Production to feature stage veterans Simmons, Maule
- April 14, 2015 - Preserving the Past
- April 10, 2015 - SFA's University and Symphonic bands to perform concert
- April 10, 2015 - SFA's Trombone Choir to present varied program
- April 10, 2015 - SFA Friends of Music to present Extravaganza 28
- April 10, 2015 - Education through theatre becomes Fredonia Players' new focus
- April 9, 2015 - SFA partners with GETCAP to celebrate National Week of the Young Child
- April 9, 2015 - In the Trees concert series to feature 'Inuksuit'
- April 9, 2015 - SFA marketing students compete for scholarship funds, trip to San Francisco
- April 9, 2015 - Texas Secretary of State Visits SFA
- April 9, 2015 - The TABE presents award during winter conference at SFA
- April 9, 2015 - SFA's Mast Student Investment Roundtable members win award
- April 9, 2015 - SFA's Stone Fort Museum to present Heritage Preservation Award
- April 8, 2015 - SFA receives Desire2Excel Award
- April 8, 2015 - SFA to present student-directed 'Springtime'
- April 8, 2015 - Acclaimed saxophonist Carrol to perform at SFA
- April 8, 2015 - SFA Steel Band's spring concert to feature popular sing-along tunes
- April 8, 2015 - SFA to screen 'Mile… Mile and A Half' at Cole Art Center
- April 7, 2015 - SFA Wind Ensemble, A Cappella Choir to collaborate in concert
- April 7, 2015 - Hudson's organizational skills keep opera productions on track
- April 7, 2015 - SFA Sylvans win 2015 Southern Forestry Conclave
- April 6, 2015 - SFA Gardens Lecture Series to feature Austin horticulturist
- April 6, 2015 - 'The Most Happy Fella' opens Thursday at SFA
- April 1, 2015 - Tolan's 'Stay Carl Stay' to be performed in SFA's Downstage Theatre
- April 1, 2015 - SFA's Student Activities Association to host annual garage sale
- April 1, 2015 - Texas Folklore Society to hold annual meeting
- March 31, 2015 - Texas National 2015 features esteemed Chinese artist Lin as juror
- March 31, 2015 - Internationally acclaimed pianist Ruiz to perform at SFA
- March 30, 2015 - SFA's study abroad program receives award
- March 30, 2015 - SFA history professor receives recognition
- March 26, 2015 - SFA's Opera Theater to present 'The Most Happy Fella'
- March 26, 2015 - SFA Gardens to host popular spring plant sale and Earth Day Celebration
- March 26, 2015 - Swedish students explore East Texas' forest, hospitality industry through SFA partnership
- March 24, 2015 - Guest artist Knight to perform with SFA Percussion Ensemble
- March 24, 2015 - SFA's Stone Fort Wind Quintet to perform
- March 23, 2015 - SFA to host Showcase Saturday for prospective students
- March 23, 2015 - Mary Lou Retton to headline SFA's Archie McDonald Speaker Series
- March 13, 2015 - Some facilities open on campus during spring break
- March 13, 2015 - Cole Art Center open during spring break, hosting receptions
- March 12, 2015 - Lumberjack Marching Band brings continued recognition to SFA
- March 11, 2015 - Student-directed 'The Patient' to be performed at SFA
- March 11, 2015 - Recital to feature saxophone, piano works from countries around the world
- March 11, 2015 - SFA's Greek community raises awareness for cause
- March 11, 2015 - SFA's environmental professional organization to host second annual symposium
- March 11, 2015 - 'Re-Western' exhibition features new look at Old West
- March 11, 2015 - SFA's voice faculty Turner to perform the music of Brahms
- March 11, 2015 - SFA Veteran's Resource Center new coffee station ribbon-cutting ceremony
- March 10, 2015 - SFA Regents appoint forestry dean to endowed chair position
- March 6, 2015 - SFA students help improve the Port Jefferson History and Nature Center
- March 6, 2015 - "The Importance of Being Earnest"
- March 5, 2015 - Food pantry grand opening
- March 4, 2015 - SFA Gardens Lecture Series to feature plant sale preview
- March 3, 2015 - Choral Union, Women's Choir to perform 'Reflections from the Camps'
- March 3, 2015 - Heterodyne Duo recital canceled
- March 2, 2015 - Flute, piano duo to perform guest recital at SFA
- March 2, 2015 - Staged reading of 'Mom and Dad' to help fund School of Theatre's Scotland trip
- February 27, 2015 - Schmidbauer Competition winner to perform with Orchestra of the Pines
- February 27, 2015 - Lubbock violinist wins first place in SFA's Schmidbauer Competition
- February 26, 2015 - Alumni scholarship established in honor of former student publications director
- February 25, 2015 - 'Tea time' helps actors prepare for roles in 'The Importance of Being Earnest'
- February 25, 2015 - SFA's A Cappella Choir to perform collection of tour music
- February 25, 2015 - Hong Kong music students to study at SFA
- February 24, 2015 - SFA to screen 'The Art of the Steal'
- February 24, 2015 - Reception to honor 'Honey Bucket Charlie' artist's family, Korean War veterans
- February 24, 2015 - SFA Faculty Trio to perform music for clarinet, violin, piano
- February 24, 2015 - Concert to feature music of virtuosic composers Liszt, Granados, Louie
- February 24, 2015 - SFA senior interior design students showcase talents
- February 24, 2015 - SFA student organizations to hold grand opening for food pantry
- February 23, 2015 - SFA Regents Professor, Dr. Tim King, to present lecture
- February 23, 2015 - Alumni scholarship established to help support SFA students
- February 20, 2015 - Art confiscated by Nazis topic of lecture
- February 20, 2015 - Memphis Woodwind Trio to perform at SFA
- February 20, 2015 - 'Coleidoscope' concert honors music patrons
- February 20, 2015 - Works of Houston artist Peacock showing at Cole Art Center
- February 19, 2015 - SFA alumni scholarship honors the late Dr. Morgan Moses
- February 18, 2015 - SFA hosting Pack the Pantry food drive Feb. 23
- February 17, 2015 - W.B. and Erlean Irwin Scholarship established to help support SFA education students
- February 17, 2015 - Concert to feature music for bassoon, percussion
- February 17, 2015 - SFA's Swingin' Axes, Aces to perform classic jazz favorites
- February 16, 2015 - SFA's Stone Fort Museum to host book signing
- February 16, 2015 - SFA to host Dr. John Smith for Robert Maxwell Lecture Feb. 24
- February 13, 2015 - 'Boyhood' actor is SFA alum
- February 12, 2015 - 'The Importance of Being Earnest' - SFA School of Theatre to stage Wilde's classic comedy of manners
- February 12, 2015 - SFA to host Showcase Saturday for prospective students
- February 10, 2015 - 'God of Carnage' to be performed in the SFA Downstage Theatre
- February 10, 2015 - Arnone, Peterson recital at SFA canceled
- February 9, 2015 - SFA's Guenther to present '10th Anniversary Celebration' flute recital
- February 9, 2015 - Reading, book signing planned for published SFA student poet
- February 6, 2015 - Award-winning Cho to present recital of classical piano repertoire at SFA
- February 6, 2015 - Renowned percussionist McClung to perform guest recital at SFA
- February 6, 2015 - SFA Gardens and Nacogdoches Naturally to host Great Backyard Bird Count
- February 6, 2015 - SFA Repertory Dance Company in Concert
- February 3, 2015 - SFA's Arthur Temple College of Forestry and Agriculture to launch scholarly journal in spring 2015
- February 3, 2015 - SFA to co-host Pineywoods Swing Debate Tournament with ETBU
- February 2, 2015 - SFA's Wind Symphony and Symphonic Band to present concert of classics
- February 2, 2015 - 'Super Scientific Circus' demonstrates how science can be fun
- February 2, 2015 - Smith-Hutson Scholarships to be awarded at SFA
- January 30, 2015 - Flamenco Vivo Carlota Santana to perform at SFA
- January 30, 2015 - SFA Gardens Lecture Series to feature university's horticulture professor
- January 27, 2015 - SFA Board of Regents approves faculty, staff changes
- January 29, 2015 - SFA regents convene for quarterly meeting
- January 28, 2015 - Tickets still available for Turtle Island-McKay performance
- January 28, 2015 - Seating available for popular 'Junie B. Jones' show on Friday
- January 27, 2015 - Madera Wind Quintet to perform at SFA
- January 27, 2015 - Cole Series to feature violin, piano recital
- January 27, 2015 - Schmidbauer Competition announces contestant additions
- January 26, 2015 - Ajero piano recital features father-son performance
- January 26, 2015 - SFA to screen 'Tim's Vermeer'
- January 23, 2015 - SFA Wind Ensemble to present 'Winter Tour Concert'
- January 22, 2015 - SFA Gardens to host vegetable garden basics seminar
- January 22, 2015 - SFA Gardens to prepare volunteers for Garden Guides
- January 20, 2015 - Exhibition features photography of poet Dickinson's bedroom
- January 19, 2015 - Guest trombonist to perform music of Rousseau, Clarke, Von Weber
- January 15, 2015 - 'Outsider art' subject of upcoming exhibition in Cole Art Center
- January 15, 2015 - Cole Art Center exhibition to feature work of Florida artist Riordan
- January 13, 2015 - Duo Karudan to perform program of contemporary music
- January 13, 2015 - Iktus Duo to perform at SFA
- January 13, 2015 - Turtle Island Quartet to perform at SFA with singer, songwriter McKay
- January 12, 2015 - East Texas Research Center to unveil historic documents
- January 9, 2015 - SFA announces contestants in prestigious Schmidbauer competition
- January 7, 2015 - Cobb exhibition to close with artist's interview
- January 5, 2015 - SFA Charter School receives Texas Honors Circle Award from comptroller