Stephen F. Austin State University

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SFA senior Josi Moore named Exemplary Student Teacher for fall 2015

December 8, 2015
Stephen F. Austin State University senior history major Josi Moore has been named Exemplary Student Teacher for fall 2015. Each semester, SFA's Department of Secondary Education and Educational Leadership recognizes a student for exemplary performance during student teaching.
"My supervisor nominated me, and I honestly didn't expect to get this far," Moore said. "Student teaching has been extremely difficult, but also amazing and wonderful. I'm ecstatic to receive this award."

Each semester this award is presented to recognize students for exemplary performance during student teaching. Student teaching is a requirement by the Texas Education Agency for all candidates seeking educator certification in Texas. Candidates are placed in school for 15 weeks under the supervision of SFA faculty members and the classroom teacher.

Moore conducted her student teaching at Bullard High School, where she taught seniors social studies, a challenge she described as difficult but fun.

"I learned how important having a relationship with the student really is. Since Bullard was so much smaller, I really got to know the students and they got to know me," Moore said. "On my last day, I got letters, art and cards. The relationships are what mean the most."

A Tyler, Texas, native, Moore graduated from Whitehouse High School in 2011 and attended Lon Morris College. Moore transferred to SFA to major in hospitality; however, a required history course ignited Moore's passion for the subject.

"I had an amazing history professor at SFA whom I loved. She made me love history so much that I switched majors," Moore said. "My passion for history and learning led me to share that experience with other people. The best thing is to teach history and social studies to people and have them love it as much as I do."

Moore became a history major with an education minor in order to share her knowledge with others.

"People in history are regular people like you and me. It's their decisions that formed where we are today," Moore said. "It makes you realize you could be just as important and do really life-changing things."

Moore will graduate this month and said she has enjoyed her college experience. While attending SFA, Moore was a member of Phi Theta Kappa, SFA School of Honors and Kappa Upsilon Sigma. Continuing her education in graduate school is one of Moore's future goals along with teaching in East Texas.

"I loved college, especially SFA," Moore said. "I'm excited about the new chapter in my life."

By University Marketing Communications
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