SFA film series to screen 'Greenwich Village: Music That Defined A Generation'
October 26, 2015

"Greenwich Village: Music That Defined A Generation," directed by Laura Archibald, is a feature-length documentary about the Greenwich Village music scene and how it sparked everlasting political, social and cultural changes, according to information at greenwichmusicdoc.com.
For the first time, the greatest singer-songwriters, authors and performers from Greenwich Village reflect on how they collectively became the voice of a generation. Through poignant interviews, rare archival footage and new live performances, "Greenwich Village: Music That Defined A Generation" tells a story about community, courage and most importantly, music, the website said.
This screening is part of the School of Art's monthly First Friday Film Series and is sponsored in part by the Nacogdoches Film Festival, William Arscott, The Liberty Bell, Nacogdoches Junior Forum, Karon Gillespie, Mike Mollot, Main Street Nacogdoches, David Kulhavy, John and Kristen Heath, Brad Maule, Galleria Z, Jill Carrington, Jean Stephens and Jim and Mary Neal.
The Cole Art Center is located at 329 E. Main St. For more information, call (936) 468-1131.