SFA's Pining for Birds Arcadian Adventure set for May 9
April 17, 2015

Through annual prescribed burns, regular thinning and standing snags, Grant maintains this 22-year-old, eight acre stand of loblolly pines as a habitat for cavity-dwelling birds and pine savanna wildlife. The sanctuary, "Rebel Eloy Emanis Pine Savanna and Bird Sanctuary," is named for his outdoor-loving grandfather, who formerly owned the property.
During the hike, attendees can see brown-headed nuthatches, pine warblers, Eastern bluebirds, tufted titmice, Carolina chickadees, Carolina wrens, Eastern phoebes and an assortment of woodpeckers. Participants should prepare to explore approximately one mile on dirt trails and should wear comfortable shoes.
Transportation is provided and will depart from the SFA Ina Brundrett Conservation Education Center at the university's Pineywoods Native Plant Center, 2900 Raguet St., in Nacogdoches. Group size is limited. Cost of the tour is $30 for SFA Gardens members and $35 for non-members.
For reservations or more information, contact sfagardens@sfasu.edu or call (936) 468-1832.