Stephen F. Austin State University

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SFA regents convene for quarterly meeting

January 29, 2015

The Stephen F. Austin State University Board of Regents approved an investment of approximately $125,000 for the purchase of a molecular imaging system to support research in biology, chemistry, forestry and agriculture.

"This equipment will enable researchers and students to use lasers of specific wavelengths to image molecules such as DNA and proteins with 10 micron resolution," said Dr. Bea Clack, associate professor of biology. "The instrument will be available for use by both undergraduate and graduate students and faculty from multiple disciplines across campus in teaching laboratories as well as research."

Regents approved audited financial statements of the SFA Charter School and recognized the school's faculty and administration. The school recently received its second consecutive Texas Comptroller's Honor Circle Award, which honors academic success and financial integrity.

"To achieve Texas Honors Circle designation, an elementary school must have a five-star rating in the Financial Allocation Study for Texas," said Lysa Hagan, director of the school. "FAST is an annual study that examines both academic performance and financial efficiency to identify school districts, charter operators and campuses that deliver high-quality education at relatively low costs."

The SFA Charter School was one of 347 school campuses recognized from more than 4,000 campuses in the state.

Regents approved grant funding that now totals $6.9 million for the 2015 fiscal year. The funding includes 15 new projects ranging in areas from mobility instructor training to an archaeological inventory of the Big Thicket National Preserve.

Regents heard reports regarding current construction and planned maintenance projects. They acknowledged receipt of an audit services report and a review of the university's investment policy and strategy.

Regents also approved:

By University Marketing Communications
University Marketing Communications
(936) 468-2605

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