Stephen F. Austin State University

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SFA theatre students to present 'The Boor'

October 26, 2015
NACOGDOCHES, Texas - Stephen F. Austin State University School of Theatre will present the student-directed "The Boor" at 7:30 p.m. Friday, Nov. 6, and at 2 and 7:30 p.m. Saturday, Nov. 7, in the Downstage Theatre on the SFA campus.

Groves junior Caitlin Parker directs Anton Chekhov's one-act drama about a widow in deep mourning and people around her who pretend to be more than they actually are.

After Mrs. Popov has been in mourning for seven months, her footman, Luka, advises her to give up her mourning and go out. While Mrs. Popov is denying Luka's advice, landowner Smirnov arrives, asking her to pay the 1,200 rubles that her husband owed him, Parker explains.

"She refuses, leading to his rude behavior and an argument that leads to Smirnov proposing a duel," Parker said. "In the midst of this, however, Smirnov has a change of heart, and, impressed by her boldness and beauty, he professes his love for the widow."

The cast includes Groves junior Ashley Mouton as Mrs. Popov; Queens, New York, junior Elham Safi as Luka; and Lufkin sophomore Jacob Carr as Smirnov.

The production staff includes William Odom, Brownsboro junior, stage manager; Andy Bauerle, Conroe junior, scenic designer; Cloey Hammonds, Nacogdoches junior, costume designer; Brian Steele, Houston sophomore, lighting designer; Lane Davidson, Denton sophomore, sound designer; and TJ Davis, Beaumont junior, properties manager.

Faculty production advisor is Inga Meier.

Parker is a theatre major pursuing a Bachelor of Arts degree. "The Boor" is her first directing credit, but she has worked as a scenic designer, choreographer, projections designer and paint charge on various SFA productions. After graduation, she hopes to pursue a master's degree in directing.

The Downstage Theatre is located in the Griffith Fine Arts Building, 2222 Alumni Drive.

Tickets are $4. For tickets or more information, call the SFA Fine Arts Box Office at (936) 468-6407 or visit

By Robbie Goodrich
University Marketing Communications
(936) 468-2605

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