Stephen F. Austin State University

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Food pantry grand opening

March 5, 2015
The Stephen F. Austin State University Student Government Association and Hunger Jacks, along with the Office of Academic Affairs, hosted a grand opening and ribbon-cutting ceremony Thursday for the new Food for Thought campus food pantry, located in the Baker Pattillo Student Center on SFA's campus. The pantry will serve as a resource to help alleviate food insecurity among SFA students on campus. Pictured (from left) are Marquice Hobbs, SFA student body president; Roger Van Horn, Nacogdoches mayor; Dr. Miranda Terry, assistant professor of health science at SFA; Dr. Steve Westbrook, vice president for university affairs at SFA; Brittany Hearnsberger, SFA student; John Anderson, Aramark district manager; Dr. Adam Peck, dean of student affairs at SFA; and James Burns, SFA student.

By University Marketing Communications
University Marketing Communications
(936) 468-2605

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