Stephen F. Austin State University

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SFA Fashion Gallery to hold grand opening

April 14, 2015
NACOGDOCHES, Texas - The Stephen F. Austin State University School of Human Sciences fashion merchandising program invites university alumni and friends to Fashion Icons: A Legacy of Style Fashion Gallery Opening and Costume Exhibition at 5:30 p.m. Thursday, April 30, in the Education Annex, 1620 Raguet St. in Nacogdoches.

Featured speaker will be Houston fashion industry insider, Roz Pactor, who will speak at 6 p.m. in the Culinary Café followed by a ribbon cutting to officially open the Fashion Gallery and viewing of the new exhibition.

Pactor, a fashion/marketing consultant and fashion lifestyle blogger based in Houston, has more than three decades experience in fashion retailing with Foley's Department Stores, Bloomingdales NYC and Neiman Marcus. She was most recently employed as the vice president/fashion director at Foley's before starting her own company, The Pactor Group. She currently serves as chair of the advisory board at the University of Houston for Retail Merchandising Careers.

Light refreshments will be served and guests can view displays related to program activities and interact with students. Jazz music provided by students in SFA's School of Music will be featured, as well as a red carpet-like photo opportunity.

The Education Annex structure served as the Early Childhood Laboratory at SFA for 30 years before its conversion to a classroom and office building. Remodeling of other spaces in the building will continue as funds are available.

The School of Human Sciences Twentieth Century Costume Collection was originally established and developed by former faculty member, Janie Kenner, to enhance student learning related to fashion history. Currently, faculty members Rebecca Greer and Michelle Jones serve as co-directors of the collection. It contains more than 500 pieces of historic costumes with the earliest pieces dating back to the late 1800s.

Among its contents are apparel or accessory items by fashion designers Geoffrey Beene, Christian Dior and Elsa Schiaparelli. The collection also contains articles from a variety of fashion retailers such as Neiman Marcus, Saks and Battlesteins. The remodel of the Education Annex space for the Fashion Gallery marks the first area on campus dedicated to exhibit the collection.

The Fashion Gallery opening was funded with program-generated funds and charitable donations. Sale of licensed SFA tartan products and the annual denim drive have generated more than $1,200 for the program.

For more information, contact Greer at (936) 468-2209 or email

By University Marketing Communications
University Marketing Communications
(936) 468-2605

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