Stephen F. Austin State University

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SFA's Music Prep students selected to all-region orchestras

November 4, 2015
Middle school Music Prep students selected to all-region orchestra are, from left, Ashlynn McBroom, Rachel Wilder, Mattie Chauvin, Haley McBroom and Megan Petti.

NACOGDOCHES, Texas - All students of the Stephen F. Austin State University Music Preparatory Division who auditioned last month for the Region 4 and Region 21 middle school and high school orchestras were selected as orchestra members.

Auditions were held at the new Three Lakes Middle School in Tyler. Concerts for the middle school and high school orchestras will be held Saturday, Dec. 5, in Tyler.

High school students selected to all-region orchestra included: Catherine Meisenheimer, Isaiah Bertke and Annaleigh Andrews, Violin I; and Jake Hill, Grace DeKerlegand, Kyla Alders, Sheetal Bapu and Andria Sowell, Violin II.

Middle school students selected to all-region orchestra included: Chloe Cook and Ashlynn McBroom, Violin I; and Megan Petti, Mattie Chauvin, Haley McBroom and Rachel Wilder, Violin II.

For information about the Music Preparatory Division of the SFA School of Music, contact Pat Barnett, Music Prep director, at or (936) 468-1291, or visit the website at

The Music Preparatory Division is a member of the National Guild for Community Arts Education. The Music Prep House is located at 3028 Raguet St. on the SFA campus.

By Robbie Goodrich
University Marketing Communications
(936) 468-2605

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