Stephen F. Austin State University

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SFA students receive Public Anthropology Award for Excellence in Writing on Public Issues

November 11, 2015
Pictured, from left, Michelle Pena, senior Spanish major; Robert Breitenstein, freshman mass media major; Felix Maduka, freshman English major; Dysha Collins, sophomore child development and family living major; and Kaci Emanuel, junior history major. Elizabeth Peavy, junior psychology major (not pictured), also received recognition.
NACOGDOCHES, Texas - Students in Dr. Karol Chandler-Ezell's cultural anthropology course at Stephen F. Austin State University recently received the Public Anthropology Award for Excellence in Writing on Public Issues with the Community Action Website, a site designed to help students explore ethical issues of anthropology.

The students researched and reviewed case studies and journals focused on regulating human research before writing opinion editorial pieces. Students presented arguments on how Institutional Review Boards in the U.S. and/or Review Ethics Boards in Canada should enforce a set of common rules regarding human research. More than 38,000 students from 25 schools in North America competed for these awards.

By University Marketing Communications
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(936) 468-2605

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