Stephen F. Austin State University

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SFA Board of Regents approves faculty, staff changes

January 27, 2015

NACOGDOCHES, Texas - The Stephen F. Austin State University Board of Regents approved faculty and staff changes during its quarterly meeting Tuesday.

Faculty appointments approved Tuesday included: Erica Dillard, lecturer of elementary education in the James I. Perkins College of Education; and Stephanie Perry, visiting lecturer of mathematics and statistics in the College of Sciences and Mathematics.

Staff appointments within two academic colleges included: Nancy Nieberding, project coordinator of CONFIANZA in the Perkins College of Education; and Tiffany Gauntt, academic adviser in the College of Liberal and Applied Arts.

The Board of Regents approved the following athletic appointments: Clint Conque, head football coach; Michael Walton, assistant head football coach; and William Best, Jeremy Hammock, Thomas Howe, Matthew Kubik, Terry Mills, Jeremy Moses, Demo Odems III, Christopher Van Horn, and Matt Williamson, all assistant football coaches.

Additional staff appointments included Amy Kobuck, admissions regional counselor; Carrianne Mance, assistant director of financial aid; Kaleb Allison, assistant general counsel; Meredith Baily, project coordinator in information technology services; Griselda Flores, assistant director in multicultural affairs; Molly Moody, assistant director of student engagement; and Cindy Howes, manager of residence life systems, Helen Woldemichael, area coordinator, and Jesus Tobias, hall director, in the Department of Residence Life.

Regents approved the following changes of status within the Perkins College of Education: Neill Armstrong, from associate professor of secondary education and educational leadership to associate professor and undergraduate certification program coordinator; Michael Bobo and Elizabeth Rhodes, from professors of kinesiology and health science to professors and dance program co-coordinators; David Goodman, from lecturer of kinesiology and health science to lecturer and kinesiology program coordinator; Stacy Hendricks, from assistant professor of secondary education and educational leadership to assistant professor and educational leadership coordinator; Patrick Jenlink, from professor of secondary education and educational leadership to professor and coordinator of doctoral programs; Heather Olson Beal, from associate professor of secondary education and educational leadership to associate professor and coordinator of master's programs; Pauline Sampson, from professor of secondary education and educational leadership to professor and coordinator of the Institutional Review Board; and Miranda Terry, from assistant professor of kinesiology and health science to assistant professor and health science program coordinator.

Approved changes of status in the Nelson Rusche College of Business included Harry Phares, from senior lecturer of economics and finance to senior lecturer and financial counseling director; and Ryan Phelps, from associate professor of economics and finance to associate professor with Koch Professorship.

Other changes of status include:

Information Technology Services - Sheldon Harrison, from technical support specialist I to programmer/analyst I;

Institutional Research - Amber Middleton, from institutional research analyst to associate director, and Sahitya Neeli, from OIT database specialist to institutional research analyst; and

University Police Department - Jared Roten, from public safety technology specialist to director of public safety technology.

The Board of Regents approved the following faculty promotions: Charles Gregory, assistant professor of government, and Susan Ballard, assistant professor of nursing in the Richard and Lucille DeWitt School of Nursing.

A leave of absence without pay also was approved for Dr. George Franks, associate professor of government.

Additionally, the following retirements also were approved: Carolyn Davis, assistant professor, and Davanna Cay McAninch, lecturer, elementary education; Rebecca Shepherd, assistant director of financial aid; and Patricia Spence, director of student publications.

By University Marketing Communications
University Marketing Communications
(936) 468-2605

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