Why study art?

You already know why. You love it! You live and breathe art. It's the reason you get up in the morning. So, you choose to study art to one day make a living off what already makes you feel so alive.

Turning your craft into a career

Here are just a few examples of how you can make money doing what you love:

  • Become an art teacher or professor molding the next generation of artists.
  • Work at an advertising agency as a graphic designer or art director, developing exciting branding campaigns.
  • Prepare your own gallery of work and sell them as a professional artist.
  • Work as an animator or illustrator for a large television or movie company.
  • Be a curator at a gallery or museum.
  • Become a professional photographer for a wide range of subjects, such as weddings, advertising, photojournalism and more.
  • Work as a professional printmaker developing work for clients through silk-screening, etching and lithography, among others.
  • Write and produce the next great movie, working in the film industry.
  • Become a fabricator, work in a foundry, 3D printing studio or atelier.

As you can see, you've come to the right place. Your passion can, in fact, turn into a profession, providing you with a long and lucrative career in art.

Where can I find a job?

The School of Art will provide endless opportunities for you to network and meet professionals in the industry. Look through some of the wonderful internship opportunities we have open. You also can see what jobs are available through the Center for Career and Professional Development.