You come here to be a maker

Our students don't just come here to learn. They come to create. The School of Art at SFA offers students the opportunity to explore traditional and cutting-edge methods of art making in media ranging from sculpture to animation. It's your chance to enjoy large-scale creativity in a small-class setting. Very few colleges can boast our breadth of artistic offerings with hands-on experience from day one.

We work daily to make art that expands our appreciation of the world, excites the senses, stirs emotions and engages the intellect. Our students learn to think critically and to solve problems creatively. Every day, students and faculty at SFA are exploring our passions and discovering ways to turn those passions into professional creative careers. We welcome imagination and innovation, individuality and originality. We welcome you.

School mission

The mission of the School of Art is to provide high quality baccalaureate, graduate and public educational opportunities suitable for scholars, producers and viewers of art. All of the school's programs, resources and activities are intended to fulfill this mission.