Legislative Internship Program Resources

Legislative Internships

Students who are interested in applying for the LIP are encouraged to use the resources on the SFA campus that are designed to help students with their academic careers and professional development.

  • The Center for Career and Professional Development offers a variety of services including assistance with résumé writing and career coaching, and utilizes both in-person and virtual interview practice. The center is located in the Baker Pattillo Student Center, Room 3.302 and may be reached at ccpd@sfasu.edu or (936) 468-3305.
  • SFA’s Academic Assistance Resource Center offers assistance in writing policy position papers. The AARC’s services include the Online Writing Lab and in-person consultation sessions.  The AARC is located on the first floor of Steen Library and may be reached at aarc@sfasu.edu or (936) 468-4108.
  • Your academic advisor can help plan your degree plan/plan of study to work the internship into your time at SFA with little or minimal delay in graduating on time. Students interested in the LIP are strongly encouraged to begin meeting with their academic advisor during their sophomore year to make sure the internship courses and semester in Austin fit into their degree plans and career objectives.
  • Your faculty mentor in your college, degree program and area of study can help you plan for the LIP through discussion of résumé development, academic experiences and career planning that may help you secure a place in the program.