SFA Legislative Internship Program

the Texas Legislature

Legislative Internships

Stephen F. Austin State University’s Legislative Internship Program provides a hands-on, once-in-a-lifetime opportunity to see state government in action. Through an internship in Austin, students gain insights into the workings of the Texas Legislature during the regular session. The program is open to all majors, but preference is given to students majoring in an degree program within the Department of Government. However, students have come from a number of other academic majors including mass communication and business. All applicants must have a desire to make a difference in state politics and have potential to be leaders in the next generation in Texas – whether in government, nonprofit, business or civil society.  

How does it work?

The LIP consists of three major components:

  • Learning about civic values, public policy and participatory democracy through academic course credit
  • Experiencing a life-changing and meaningful internship in Austin related to career goals
  • Living in Austin for an entire academic semester  

Internships occur during the spring semester of odd numbered years such as 2023, 2025 and 2027 when the Texas Legislature meets for its biennial session. Students arrive in Austin in early January and complete their internship in June after the session ends.  

As a result, prospective applicants are encouraged to meet with their academic advisor regularly to plan for the LIP experience, which includes preparing to be off campus for an entire semester.  Students who would normally graduate in the spring semester of their internship will need to set their graduation date for the August commencement ceremony. The August date allows for all coursework and grades to be submitted upon completion of the internship.

Successful applicants will be placed in an internship with the Texas Legislature based upon availability of positions and specific interests of the applicants. 

What about coursework?

The LIP consists of nine hours of course credit for their internship. Coursework is completed remotely through SFA’s course management system, Brightspace by D2L. 

Coursework includes: 

  • GOVT 4189: Internship in Political Science (six hours)
  • GOVT 4388: Intern Seminar (three hours)

Students needing to enroll as a full-time student (12 hours) should arrange for an online course in their degree plan/plan of study or arrange for an independent study course. Political science majors may substitute GOVT 4388 for GOVT 4399: Senior Seminar.

What about housing in Austin?

Currently, students are responsible for securing their own housing in Austin. While The University of Texas System is working on a plan for possible intern housing from across the system, there are no guarantees that such arrangements will be ready for the 2025 Texas Legislature session.

What are the costs of the program?

The program costs are as follows:

  • Regular tuition and fees payable to SFA for the course hours for the semester
  • Housing expenses in Austin
  • Other transportation and living expenses in Austin

Typically, SFA interns receive a stipend of $7,000 to defray costs of living and housing in Austin during the internship. This stipend is provided as a one-time payment in January or February of the semester of the internship. These stipends are pending budgetary approval by the university.