The Job Outlook 2020 survey conducted by the National Association of Colleges and Employers identified leadership and related skills, such as problem solving, team work and communication, as the top skills to be demonstrated on a résumé.  Does your résumé demonstrate leadership? Have you found ways to document and represent your leadership?

Become a Certified Leader

The communication studies program offers a 12-hour certificate in leadership, which comprises:

  • COMM 4308: Principles of Leadership
  • A three-hour course within the major or minor that addresses leadership
  • Six hours of applied leadership credit, such as an internship, independent study, study abroad opportunity, service learning course as approved by certificate advisor, etc.

Talk to our leadership certificate advisor, Dr. R. Tyler Spradley, today to see how you can earn your certificate.  You may even already be enrolled in a course that can count toward the certificate.

Certificates are listed on the diploma and should be featured on a résumé to document certified skills.

Minor in Leadership

The leadership minor at SFA prepares students to be leaders through real-world experiences in the local community. The overall objective is to provide students with an understanding of leadership models used in organizations while better preparing them for leading through change, establishing vision and coordinating in a diverse and growing global population. 

Career Opportunities

The leadership minor provides students with a practical and theoretical understanding for careers in such fields as academic services, business, education, human services, management, military science, organizational and public communication, political science, and public administration.

Purpose and Course Work

This minor engages students with different perspectives and principles of leadership to provide greater analytical skills to assess and match the complexity of organizational life. Students examine leadership practices across a variety of disciplines. Each perspective will provide students with a core set of ideas and experiences that will assist them in leading organizations in a global community. Students will gain an appreciation for differences while learning how to solve problems creatively and how to work in teams.

The leadership minor compliments a wide variety of degrees and is available to any student pursuing an undergraduate degree at SFA. To successfully attain the minor, students must complete 18 hours of interdisciplinary coursework – nine hours of core classes and nine hours of electives.