Go behind the scenes

Some people dream of a life in front of the camera, while others envision a life outside the spotlight. If you’re the type of person who is interested in editing, production work and operating a camera, or want to dig deeper into news – whether it’s happening in your hometown, home state or halfway across the globe – chances are you’ve been considering a career in broadcast journalism.

SFA’s broadcast journalism emphasis offers students an opportunity to go behind the scenes and learn about current and emerging forms of media to help prepare them for a career in multimedia journalism in the 21st century.

Traditional careers and new frontiers

Today’s broadcast journalism degree can open many doors to a wide variety of exciting careers. As a broadcast and print journalist, you can choose a traditional career path, like working as a magazine or newspaper reporter or an on-air news anchor, or you can manage your own news-gathering website. There’s no limit to what you can do with this degree.

To learn more about what you can do after graduation, visit our careers page.

The experience you need, on and off campus

At SFA, students do more than sit in classrooms. We encourage Lumberjacks to involve themselves in hands-on experiences that help them get the most out of their time here.

Internships provide real-world experience that can be a great way to help you land your first job. 

Students might consider joining the Pine Log, our student-run newspaper, where they’ll gain hands-on experience working on real news stories. Do you have a knack for entertaining people? If so, our student-run radio station, KAXM-FM, is the perfect place to work as a DJ. There also are opportunities for those who enjoy covering community events and letting their creative juices flow through the campus television station, SFA-TV2. It’s the perfect place to fill roles as a news anchor or work behind the scenes as a camera operator or news director.

Bachelor of Arts or Bachelor of Science in mass communication with an emphasis in broadcast journalism

Study broadcast journalism as it applies to today’s world while preparing yourself for all possible forms of mass media — current and emerging. Develop the skills every broadcast journalist needs through your courses in feature writing and editing. Learn what it’s like to work in a converged newsroom, where you’ll expand your opportunities to inform the public with integrated tools to tell the stories. Students interested in radio/television careers explore topics ranging from audio and studio production to design and layout.

See the Course Catalog for additional details, guidelines and requirements.