Based on SFA's Seven Dimensions of Wellness, this certificate contains modules to establish:

  • increased knowledge about the wellness dimensions
  • an understanding of the resources available to students
  • and the skills to help them navigate what they need, including goal setting approaches.

All modules include time to role play through various scenarios using motivational interviewing techniques. Participants of each module will receive a one-page guide with resources and prompts that are designed for you to use while helping students.

Upon completion of the Wellbeing Certification, you'll be better equipped to make appropriate referrals for (and connections with) students.

Faculty members may include this certificate on their Faculty Activity Report.

Completion requirements

Motivational Interviewing module

Required for certification completion. Time to complete: 2 hours

Motivational interviewing is useful when trying to determine the source of the situation and help the student develop a solution that may work best for them.  

This module is a crash course in learning how to ask the right questions to help ascertain what may be the underlying cause of an issue with which a student is dealing. Consists of 20-25 minutes of role play. 

Register for this module.

Emotional module

Required for certification completion. Time to complete: 1.5 hours

Topics include stress management, expression of emotions, positive attitude, boundaries, intimacy and friendships, and their impact on student and life success.

Register for this module.

Elective modules

Choose two from the following options. Time to complete each module: 1 hour

  Career/Financial Wellbeing

There are many component of this dimension that affect students. This module will cover career development while in college, finances/budgets, building your résumé, career fairs, professional clubs and organizations, and what can be expected when seeking a full-time job.   

Register for this module.

  Intellectual Wellbeing

This module covers resources available to students, lifelong learning, developing knowledge, how to sift through too much information, current events, creativity, critical thinking, adaptation to change and social media. 

Register for this module.

  Physical Wellbeing

A crash course on the importance of exercise, sleep, nutrition, health check-ups, preventive care, safety issues and first aid kits for students, and the impact of these on classroom performance.

Register for this module.

  Socio-Cultural Wellbeing

Discusses the importance and benefits of joining a group, interpersonal relationships, respecting other cultures, family and friends, fairness, justice, tolerance, community involvement, citizenship, advocacy for yourself and others, and communication with others.   

Register for this module.

    Spiritual/Environmental Wellbeing

This module discusses spiritual wellbeing, with an exploration into value and meaning in life, purpose, introspection, life satisfaction, serving others, belief system and ethics.

This module also covers environmental wellbeing, including caring for the earth, protection of resources, creating safe and healthy environments, personal choices and sustainability. 

Register for this module.

Ready to register for modules?

To register, visit “myTraining” through mySFA and search for "LWN."