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Awareness, acceptance and a healthy expression of one's feelings

  • Intimacy
  • Interdependence
  • Independence
  • Expression of emotions
  • Stress management
  • Positive attitude and outlook on life
  • Coping and communication skills
  • Assertiveness and healthy boundaries
  • Choosing ones's reaction to life

Areas of concern and available resources


Concerns may include:

  • excessive worry about minor or major things
  • sudden feelings of panic or fear
  • feeling nervous or agitated
  • and racing pulse, sweaty palms or shaky hands.

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Body image

Concerns may include:

  • continual unhappiness with physical appearance
  • thinking or saying critical comments about your body
  • frequent comparison of your body to others
  • and scrutinizing yourself in the mirror or avoiding looking into a mirror.

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Concerns may include:

  • feeling sad or unmotivated
  • inability to get out of bed and engage in usually basic things such as:
    • going to class
    • eating
    • returning communication with friends or loved ones
  • loss in enjoyment in activities that used to bring joy and pleasure
  • feeling numb
  • feelings of hopelessness or helplessness
  • and physical symptoms such as extreme fatigue, GI issues or headaches.

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Disability accommodations

Concerns may include:

  • disability
  • class or campus accommodations
  • testing accommodations
  • struggling to learn
  • testing anxiety
  • not knowing if you have a disability
  • and being new to a disability, whether physical or with learning.

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Eating disorders

Concerns may include:

  • abnormal or disturbed eating habits
  • eating too much
  • skipping meals or not eating enough
  • body concerns
  • and dealing with an eating disorder.

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Family concerns

Concerns may include:

  • change in family dynamic that causes stress
  • difficulty communicating with family
  • conflicting goals, beliefs, or values with family that cause stress or distress
  • feeling unsupported by family
  • and feeling pressured by family.

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Feeling isolated

Concerns may include:

  • not having as many friends as you would like
  • trouble making connections on campus
  • no "group" that you relate with
  • and a lot of time spent alone.

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First-generation student support

Concerns may include:

  • support and guidance for students who are the first in their families to attend college.

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Food insecurity

Concerns may include:

  • lack of food
  • not being able to afford food
  • and no access to nutritious foods.

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Concerns may include:

  • questions about hazing and what constitutes hazing
  • thinking you may be hazed or treated unfairly by a group with which you are involved
  • and wondering whether what is expected of you is appropriate or inappropriate.

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Hearing voices

Concerns may include:

  • auditory hallucinations
  • and other types of hallucinations, such as visual, olfactory, taste and sensory.

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Concerns may include:

  • difficulty adjusting to a new culture
  • missing family and friends back home
  • fear of missing out on activities and events back home
  • feeling isolated or lonely
  • and difficulty establishing new connections in a study abroad location.

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Housing insecurity

Concerns may include:

  • homelessness or risk of homelessness
  • and gap period while changing housing.

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LGBTQIA+ support

Concerns may include:

  • uncertainty about where to seek support as a sexual minority
  • questions about LGBTQIA+ issues
  • and the inability to find a welcoming atmosphere.

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Concerns may include:

  • staying in room all the time
  • having no one to talk with
  • homesickness
  • and shyness.

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Peer pressure

Concerns may include:

  • feeling pressure to participate in an activity or event that makes you uncomfortable
  • feeling like you can't say "no" to something you really don't want to do
  • and worries about your image or if people will not like you if you don't participate in an activity.

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Postpartum/perinatal depression

Concerns may include:

  • Feel sad or having a depressed mood
  • Changes in appetite
  • Trouble sleeping or sleeping too much
  • Lack of interest in the baby or feeling anxious about/around the baby
  • Fear of harming the baby or oneself

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Relationship concerns

Concerns may include:

  • partner arguments over the same things over and over
  • you or your partner have unrealistic expectations of each other
  • you or your partner often are dishonest or leave out pieces of information when sharing
  • you or your partner don't trust one another
  • and you feel criticized by your partner.

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Sexual assault

Concerns may include:

  • you have been sexually assaulted, recently or in the past, and want to talk to someone about your options
  • you want to process a sexual assault
  • feeling powerless, scared or numb
  • being in denial or blaming yourself
  • and being unable to sleep or having flashbacks of the assault.

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Sexually transmitted infection

Concerns may include:

  • questions about whether you have a sexually transmitted disease or infection
  • needing more information about preventing sexually transmitted disease or infection
  • accessing condoms
  • and information about getting tested for sexually transmitted disease or infection.

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Concerns may include:

  • noticing a change in your sleeping or eating habits
  • experiencing a drop in grades
  • feeling angry, sad or overreacting to small things
  • worrying constantly
  • becoming forgetful
  • not wanting to study
  • and frequently getting headaches and stomach problems.

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Suicidal thoughts

Concerns may include:

  • having suicidal thoughts
  • and thinking about or having thoughts of harming yourself or others.

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Veteran support

Concerns may include:

  • resources for veterans
  • Veterans Affairs
  • Hazlewood Act
  • and military-affiliated families.

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Contact the Dean of Students Office

Open: 8 a.m. to 5 p.m. Monday-Friday
Call: 936.468.7249
Fax: 936.468.7111
Visit: Baker Pattillo Student Center,
Room 3.105

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Mailing Address:
P.O. Box 13066, SFA Station
Nacogdoches, Texas  75962