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James I. Perkins
College of Education


College Facts

  • $25M
    active grants and
    external contracts
  • 13
    student organizations
  • 94%
    teacher candidate
    licensure rate
  • 1 of 8
    doctoral programs

    in the nation

Our faculty members prepare competent, successful, caring and enthusiastic professionals from diverse backgrounds. We're dedicated to responsible service, leadership, social justice and continued professional and intellectual development in an interconnected global society.

Transformative Experiences

At SFA, we believe students benefit greatly from hands-on learning in and out of the classroom.
Transformative experiences are at the core of our academic philosophy.

Lumberjack Spotlight

  • Spreading the word on literacy enrichment

    Dr. Lydia Richardson presented at the 63rd Texas Speech and Hearing Association convention in Fort Worth. Her presentation addressed the benefits of literacy enrichment for pre-K students.

    Lydia Richardson

    Dr. Lydia Richardson

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