Because academic excellence is at the heart of SFA’s collegiate mission, all materials University Marketing Communications produces are held to the same high standard. Our editing services lend an extra set of eyes and ensure your department’s marketing materials are error free.

On-campus audiences

If your piece is for on-campus audiences only, it doesn't need to be approved by UMC. You're still welcome to submit items for proofing for an added layer of certainty.

Off-campus audiences

Pieces for distribution to off-campus audiences must be approved by UMC. This includes flyers, brochures, mailers, press releases, booklets, etc. See our Quick Facts page for more information about off-campus audiences.

Submit a ticket request


Are you unsure if the audience of your project would be considered on- or off-campus? Don’t hesitate to email us for clarification. Contact your college marketing representative for proofing requests.

For all other editing requests, contact Christine Broussard at or 936.468.2159.