Welcome to the Kick Axe Wellness Challenge! This five-week challenge is focused on using SFA’s Seven Dimensions of Wellness to promote a healthier lifestyle. Teams of four compete in a little friendly competition and earn points by completing weekly tasks. These teams can consist of faculty members, staff and students.

Quick and easy registration

Registering a team: Only one form is needed for each team.
No team? No problem! Complete the registration form and be sure to select "No" on question six. We'll take care of the rest.

Online registration will be announced as soon as it becomes available.

Keeping Score with Scorecards

Each team must have a team captain who is responsible for encouraging fellow members to submit weekly scorecards and serving as the point of contact during the challenge. The challenge is about earning individual points, but your participation also counts towards your team's total.

A scorecard will be sent out at the beginning of the week and should be submitted individually each week by Wednesday at noon. If you submit your scorecard on time, you will receive an extra five points for the week. If your entire team submits on time, it will receive an extra 20 points. Team captains will be informed if the scorecard is missing anything – we want you to get every last point you've earned.

Earn extra points!

In addition to the daily tasks you can complete each week to earn points, you can earn points by attending or completing special activities. 

Weekly Prizes

After each week, the team that earned the greatest number of points for the week will win a prize for the team members' hard work. If your team didn’t have a great week, don’t worry. You can still win the following week. Weekly winning teams will be announced through email.

Grand Prize

Grand prizes will be awarded to the top three teams with the greatest cumulative score. In addition, every participant who completes the five-week challenge will earn a prize. *All five weeks of scores must have been submitted to earn a prize.