During the Review Phase, based on the preferred concept plans developed during internal charrettes, the planning team will develop illustrative draft plans for the comprehensive campus master plan. The team will also develop recommendations for buildings, facilities, transportation and landscape projects. A meeting with the campus master plan steering committee will explore and resolve issues related to the draft illustrative plans and recommendations.

Task 13: Draft Illustrative Master Plans and Recommendations (May – August 2025)

The draft of the illustrative master plans will help promote the vision and guide implementation as the university develops. The planning team will prepare exhibits of the SFA campus, building on ideas generated in prior meetings. The illustrative draft plans will be created from information collected in Tasks 1-12. The illustrative plans will become the campus map exhibits supporting the vision, strategies and recommendations developed during the process. The campus master plan will be illustrated through the following:

  • Future Campus Development
    • Future building sites, renovations/expansions
  • Campus Access and Parking
  • Campus Pedestrian Circulation, Landscaping and Open Space
  • Architectural Renderings (Task 17)

Task 14: Presentation of Draft Illustrative Master Plans and Recommendations (September 2025)

The draft illustrative campus master plan and recommendations will be presented to the campus master plan steering committee. The planning team will also host an open house forum (come-and-go format) to allow campus stakeholders to review draft recommendations and provide feedback. The final draft will incorporate any comments and revisions received during these meetings.