October 2025
The final phase of developing the campus master plan includes preparing the cost estimates, implementation plan, draft document and architectural/graphic renderings.
This is followed by a final review of deliverables, with subsequent refinements as needed.
Task 15 – Implementation Plan (August – September 2025)
An implementation plan will be created to prioritize the campus master plan recommendations and phase recommendations for the long-term development of the SFA campus. The planning team will coordinate project priorities, potential funding, partnerships, and estimated project initiation with campus leadership.
Task 16: Cost Estimates (August – September 2025)
Preliminary cost estimates will be developed during the refinement/final phase and revised, if necessary, based on the final campus master plan.
Task 17: Draft Report (July – October 2025)
The planning team will prepare a draft of the SFA campus master plan, documenting the previous tasks' work. The draft plan will be submitted to the institution in a digital format via email and will be forwarded to the appropriate personnel for review. The plan should include but is not limited to the following: an acknowledgments page; a table of contents; an executive summary; the findings of Tasks 1-4, 5-12, 13-14 and 15-16; a conclusion; and appendices. The plan will include architectural/graphic renderings of proposed projects to communicate recommendations and integrate physical changes into the existing campus/location environments. A reasonable review period will follow, and feedback and comments will be submitted to FNI.
Task 18: Review Meetings (October 2025)
The draft campus master plan and recommendations will be presented to the campus master plan steering committee. As needed, an additional presentation can be provided during the same trip. A summary of the project and process to date will be given. The final draft will incorporate any comments and revisions received during these meetings.
Task 19: Final SFA Campus Master Plan (October – November 2025)
The final campus master plan will be high-quality, with clear images, illustrations and written text. All maps and tables will be cited appropriately and contain keys when appropriate. FNI will apply internal quality assurance controls to achieve a high-quality final plan. A reasonable review period will follow, and feedback and comments will be submitted to FNI. After approval, FNI will provide the final campus master plan to the campus.