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Labs and Technology

SFA Mathematics & Statistics

Research & Fieldwork

Learn mathematics concepts in a technology-friendly atmosphere

Computer technologies for teaching, learning and research in mathematics are evolving. In addition to having technology at the ready, the Department of Mathematics and Statistics wants Lumberjacks to have the space and equipment needed to delve into research topics, group discussions and maybe even a theoretical debate or two.

Software supports problem-solving skills

As a mathematics enthusiast, you know there is more to mathematics and statistics than simply working out problems. We want you to be able to focus less on the mechanics of solving the problem and more on developing problem-solving skills.

That’s why we use visualization tools and software to manipulate data and numerically solve equations that are impossible to solve by hand. For example, we use a mathematics tools like Sage, Matlab, Mathematica, Geogebra, R and SAS to model problems in nearly every course in the major.

Labs, technology and equipment

Mathematics majors need technology – and they need room to meet and discuss concepts and projects. The mathematics building has plenty of technology and equipment, labs and meeting areas, and technology and equipment conducive to collaboration.

  • Teaching labs – The Department of Mathematics and Statistics maintains two classroom labs in the Math Building, each featuring student computers, a faculty computer, a projector and document camera.
  • Classroom technology – All classrooms in the building are nicely equipped with a computer, projector and document camera. Instructors also use various other tools of the trade to enhance the learning environment.
  • Undergraduate lounge – This is the place where undergraduates can gather to work individually or in groups. This student-friendly space features lots of board space for visual exploration and calculations.
  • Graduate lounge – Similar to the undergraduate lounge, this space is designed to encourage collaboration and investigation.
  • Small group spaces throughout the building - The department encourages collaborative learning. Small study spaces are available on all floors of the building to encourage mathematical discourse.

Accessible library databases

The Math Building is located next to the Ralph W. Steen Library, which has an extensive collection of mathematics and statistics databases. "If you don't know your way around, or you have a specific question, the subject-area librarians stationed at the library can help you find what you need.

The library collection is also accessible from the mathematics building through the campus network, and the math and statistics department maintains its own modest, yet useful, library of information.


Department of Mathematics and Statistics

Physical Address:
Bush Mathematical Sciences Building
Suite 301

Mailing Address:
P.O. Box 13040, SFA Station
Nacogdoches, Texas 75962