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welcome to the department of mathematics and statistics

Mathematics is perhaps the most intellectually challenging and practical major you can choose. Some students choose a mathematics major because of the enjoyment and beauty of the subject. Others choose the major for its practicality and applicability to the sciences, engineering, finance and even the social sciences. Studying mathematics develops rigorous analytical thinking skills that are prized in all fields of human endeavor.

  • Marathons Adding Up for SFA Alumnus

    Tom Mason is executive vice president and treasurer at Hillwood, one of the country's top real estate developers. Aside from his professional accomplishments, his most impressive achievement may be the many marathons he has run around the world - raising money for charity every step of the way.

    After completing a marathon in Antarctica in 2017, Mason achieved his goal of running a marathon on each continent and became a member of the Seven Continent Club.  Most importantly, he has raised thousands of dollars for charity, including raising $26,000 in the Boston Marathon to support  Massachusetts General Hospital. Mason is also a member of the SFA Board of Regents.

    Tom Mason, SFA Mathematics and General Business Alumnus

    Tom Mason, Mathematics and General Business, Class of 1970

Transformative Experiences

At SFA, we believe students benefit greatly from hands-on learning in and out of the classroom. Transformative experiences are at the core of our academic philosophy.

Student Activities

Student Activities

Mathematics students at SFA enjoy a variety of activities aimed at developing skills, networking with industry professionals and fellow students, and pursuing career options. In addition, student organizations and competitions provide a fun outlet for our math-minded students.

Computer generated graphs


Working with complex mathematics often requires the latest technology like computer visualizations and modeling software. Rest assured, at SFA you’ll have plenty of tech to assist with your studies.

Meet Our Students

  • Mackenzie Duckworth

    Mackenzie Duckworth

    Duckworth is a mathematics major with a concentration in actuarial studies. For two summers, she interned with Milliman’s Property and Casualty practice in Dallas where she honed her skills by preparing loss reserve analyses, updating loss development factors and assisting with actuarial reports. Duckworth has passed three actuarial exams during her undergraduate studies.

  • Ethan Hacker

    Ethan Hacker

    Hacker is mathematics major with a concentration in data science. He interned at The University of Texas at San Antonio in Dr. Elizabeth Sooby’s extreme environments lab. His research focused on fabricating uranium molybdenum, or U-Mo, fuel core samples for nuclear reactors. His work contributes to future research on U-Mo fuels, which are vital for research reactors.

  • Hudson Hart

    Hudson Hart

    Mathematics major Hudson Hart interned at Cleveland State University participating in the Great Lake Wind Energy Research Experience for Undergraduates, a National Science Foundation program. His project combined mathematics and fluid dynamics to explore renewable energy solutions, including the use of neural networks to improve predictions.

want to contact the department of mathematics and statistics?




    Bush Mathematical Sciences Building
    Suite 301

    Mailing Address:
    P.O. Box 13040, SFA Station
    Nacogdoches, Texas 75962