Feb. 12, 2025
2025 Staff Service Awards Ceremony
The Staff Awards Ceremony is scheduled 2 to 4 p.m. Wednesday, April 23 in the Cole STEM Building atrium. Staff Council will be honoring years of service, retirees and President’s Achievement Award recipients.
The following staff will be recognized at the event. If you would like to attend in support of a recipient, please check that the member plans to participate.
10 Years of Service
- Kimberly Allen, Procurement Services
- Jasmine Anderson-Hayes, Human Services
- Meredith Baily, Information Tech Svcs
- Aaron Baker, ITS Academic Support
- Debbie Barlow, University Police Department
- Rita Birdwell, Housing Operations
- Jacob Buford, Campus Recreation
- Courtney Burns, Admissions
- Richard Chandler, Post Office
- Kate Childress, Orientation Programs
- Shelby DeWitt, Office of Student Engagement
- Laura Donnell, Admissions
- Amy Kobuck, Admissions
- Sarah Kouliavtsev, University Marketing Communications
- Judi Kruwell, VP Finance & Administration
- Steve Laurent, ITS Information Security
- Monica Loa, CARRI
- Dorothy Lockett, Housing Operations
- Maria Guadalupe Medina, Custodial Services
- Francisco Morales Font, Music
- Kimberly Odems, Human Resources
- LaDonna O'Hara, Procurement Services
- Theunis Oliphant, Center for Teaching & Learning
- Jessica Phillips, Advancement Services
- Linda Plumb, Housing Operations
- Wendi Powell, Education Studies
- Rebekah Raney, Research & Sponsored Programs
- Mary D. Reed, ITS Academic Support
- Paula Tykol, Payroll
- Bethany Wells, Financial Aid Operations
20 Years of Service
- Carrie Baker, COE Assessment and Accounting
- Hutch Burr, Telecommunication & Networking
- Alicia Roland Chatman, Alumni Relations
- Surry Consford, Building Maintenance
- Linda Frazier, Registrar
- Stacy Hughes, Building Maintenance
- Judeana Marshall, Math & Stats
- Lisa Mozingo, Information Tech Svcs
- Kristina Sage, Center for Teaching & Learning
- Shelton Shepherd, Student Center Administration
- Rumone Upshaw, Custodial Services
30 Years of Service
- Donna Burkett, Registrar
- Sonnie Mosier, Military Science
- Jill Still, VP Advancement
- Robert Lee White Jr., Building Maintenance
- Rich Barnhart, Information Tech Svcs
- Billy Calhoun, Housing Operations
- Johnny Cardenas, Athletics
- Belinda Kay Davis, COE Academic Services
- Michelle Dorsett, History
- Rick Dorsett, Building Maintenance
- Robbie Goodrich, College of Fine Arts
- Letitia Hamilton, Financial Reporting
- Willie Jeanette Lewis, Custodial Services
- Timmy Lofton, Custodial Services
- Jimmy McDaniel, Printing Services
- Kelvin "Choo" McKind, Custodial Services
- Isidora Saenz, Custodial Services
- Allen Singleton, Building Maintenance
Feb. 10, 2025
President’s Achievement Award
This award recognizes outstanding service to the university by a staff employee. Nominations will be open Feb. 12-26.
Recipients will receive an inscribed plaque as well as an award amount of $750. Nominations will be reviewed and selected by the president based on the criteria listed below.
To be eligible for this award, an employee must meet the following criteria:
- Be a full-time, benefits-eligible staff member
- Be employed at SFA for a period of at least one year as of Aug. 31, 2024
- Have not received the award within the last three years
- Be nominated by the SFA community (self-nominations not accepted)
Nominations may be submitted electronically by faculty, staff or students through the President’s Award Nomination Online Form. Additionally, hard-copy forms and secure ballot boxes will be placed in the following locations: Physical Plant Department, Baker Pattillo Student Center Information Desk, Housing Operations, and Grounds and Transportation.
We encourage everyone to participate in the nomination process. If you have any questions, contact Sabrina Delaney at ext. 6297 or delaneysk@sfasu.edu.
Premio al logro del presidente
Este premio reconoce los servicios destacados proveidos a la universidad por parte de un miembro del personal. Las nominaciones estarán abiertas del miércoles 12 de febrero al miércoles 26 de febrero.
Los destinatarios recibirán una placa inscrita, así como un monto de premio de $750. Las nominaciones serán revisadas y seleccionadas por el presidente en base a los criterios enumerados a continuación.
Para ser elegible para este premio, un empleado debe cumplir con los siguientes criterios:
- Ser un miembro del personal elegible para beneficios a tiempo completo;
- Estar empleado en SFA por un período de al menos de un año a partir del 31 de agosto de 2024;
- No ha recibido el premio en los últimos tres años;
- Nominado por la comunidad de SFA: no se aceptarán autonominaciones.
La facultad, el personal o los estudiantes pueden enviar las nominaciones electrónicamente a través del formulario en línea de nominación para el premio presidencial. Además, se colocarán formularios impresos y urnas seguras en los siguientes lugares: Departamento de Planta Física (DPF), el mostrador de información del centro de estudiantes, La oficina de Operaciones de DPF y la oficina de Terrenos y Transporte.
Alentamos a todos a participar en el proceso de nominación. Las nominaciones estarán abiertas del miércoles 12 de febrero al miércoles 26 de febrero . Si tiene alguna pregunta, comuníquese con Sabrina Delaney ext. 6297, o por correo electronico delaneysk@sfasu.edu.
Feb. 6, 2025
Staff Council to meet Feb. 11
Staff Council will meet at 10 a.m. Tuesday, Feb. 11, in McGee Business Building, Room 133, and via Zoom.
Jessica Waguespack, program director for Student Wellness, and Kenneth Morton, director of Campus Recreation, will discuss the Lumberjack Wellness Network’s Wellbeing Certification. Stormie Boston, Human Resources generalist, will review the newly modified annual performance evaluations.
Zoom stream information will be shared via email with staff members before the meeting. View the agenda on the meeting information page.
Nov. 5, 2024
Nov. 12 meeting highlights topics in STEM and athletics
STEM Education and Research Center Co-Director Jana Redfield will discuss a multidisciplinary approach to the annual High School STEM Day, and Director of Athletics Michael McBroom will provide an athletics program update. Visit Meeting Information to view the full agenda and to learn how to watch the live stream.
April 17, 2024
2024 Staff Service Awards Ceremony
The Staff Awards Ceremony is scheduled 2 to 4 p.m. Thursday in the STEM Building atrium. Staff Council will be honoring years of service, retirees and President’s Achievement Award recipients.
The following staff will be recognized at the event:
10 Years of Service
- Devlin Allums, Building Maintenance
- Rachel Baker, Dean College of Business
- Jennie Blough, VPFA Programming
- Robert Brown, Information Tech Services
- Linda Bruton, Math & Stats
- Alisha Collins, Provost & VP Academic Affairs
- Tyler Davenport, Information Tech Services
- Daniel Davis, Information Tech Services
- Christopher Dempsey, Grounds Maintenance
- Ashley Engle, Payroll
- Kelly Finnerud , Charter School
- Susan Gibson, Director University Library
- John Grubbs, Telecommunication & Networking
- Anna Jefferson, Dean College of Sciences & Math
- James McMahen, University Marketing Communications
- Eileen Meyers, Charter School
- Robert Minshew, Student Support Center
- Christen Myles, Forestry
- Livia Pierce, Resources
- Jordan Riley, Building Maintenance
- Isidora Saenz, Custodial Services
- Derek Snyder, Alumni Relations
- Noemi Soto, Housing Operations
- Allison Thornton, Dean College of Business
- Deandra Giles, Housing Operations
- Clay Watts, Physics, Engineering and Astronomy
- Steven Whitman, Campus Recreation
20 Years of Service
- Nathan Armer, Information Tech Services
- Sharon Brewer, Provost & VP Academic Affairs
- Mike Coffee, Information Tech Services
- Daphne Curl, Testing Services
- Tre Doss, Custodial Services
- Tracey Foster, Information Tech Services
- Rosa Fuentes, Custodial Services
- Jeremy Higgins, Safety and Risk Management
- Carol Levine, Social Work
- Roni Lias, University Marketing Communications
- Gina Oglesbee , Office of the President
- Diane Peterson, Dean College of Fine Arts
- Hollie Gammel Smith, VP Student Affairs
- Joseph Strahl, COE Assessment and Accountability
- Craig Turnage, Alumni Relations
- Trey Turner, Development
30 Years of Service
- Leiah Allen, University Police Department
- Karyn Hall, Strategic Analytics Institutional Research
- Jana Redfield, STEM Center
- Laura Turner, Dean College of Sciences & Math
President’s Achievement Award
- Ken Morton, Campus Recreation
- Jeanne Porterfield, Library
- Rebecca Self, School of Nursing
- Stephanie Strahl, College of Education
- Chase James, IT Services
- Carol Levine, School of Social Work
- Charles Weaver, Physical Plant
- Rumone Upshaw, Physical Plant
Feb. 7, 2024
Speakers for Feb. 12 meeting announced
Staff Council welcomes Dr. Jeremy Higgins for a presentation on insurance and fire safety, and Dr. Marc Guidry and Megan Weatherly will cover professional development with Coursera Career Academy. Join us for these informative discussions!
July 28, 2023
Staff Council elections are open!
Elections for Staff Council representatives are open 8 a.m. Tuesday, July 25 and will close at 5 p.m. Wednesday, August 2. We are eager to hear the voices of staff members from every area on campus. Please take a moment to vote!
June 27, 2023
Staff Council nominations extended
In response to the system outages, nominations for Council representatives have reopened and will close 5 p.m. Wednesday, June 28. Elections will take place in July.
April 4, 2023
2023 Staff Service Awards Ceremony
The Staff Service Awards Ceremony is scheduled 2 to 4 p.m. Wednesday, April 19 in the STEM Building atrium. Staff Council will be honoring years of service recipients, retirees and President’s Award recipients.
The following staff will be recognized at the event:
10 Years of Service
- Eleno Adame, University Police Department
- Rosa Cabral, Custodial Services
- Rachel Clark, Student Publications
- Bradley Cobb, Housing Operations
- Morgan Cortines, Strategic Analytics Institutional Research
- Wally Crittenden, Intercollegiate Athletics
- Martha Cruz, Campus Recreation
- Crystal Deckard, College of Education Academic Services
- Nesha Deckard, Human Sciences
- Richard Dorsett, Building Maintenance
- Robbie Goodrich, Dean College of Fine Arts
- Heather Hawkins, Dean College of Education
- Heather Howell, VP Student Affairs
- Ashley Johnson, Student Support Center
- Donna Matheny, Anthropology, Geography and Sociology
- Deanna McCollum, College of Education Academic Services
- Melanie "Mel" Mercer, College of Education Assessment and Accountability
- Gilbert Miller, Building Maintenance
- Molly Moody, College of Education Academic Services
- Beverly J. Morehouse, Research & Sponsored Programs
- Agatha Moreland, Housing Operations
- Susan Nolan, Title IX Compliance
- Ragan Philliber, Charter School
- Antonio Rangel, Custodial Services
- Amanda Romig, College of Education Assessment and Accountability
- Rebecca Self, School of Nursing
- Chassity Stegall, Custodial Services
- Julie Stephens, Dean College of Sciences & Math
- Richard Stobart, Custodial Services
- Carrie Stover, Dean College of Education
- Tammi Thompson, Financial Reporting
- Lissy Turner, Title IX Compliance
- Jessica Waguespack, Dean of Students
- Wil Willoughby, Building Maintenance
20 Years of Service
- Sabrina Delaney, Registrar
- Letitia Hamilton, Financial Reporting
- Jason Johnstone, University Marketing Communications
- Ronald King, Art
- Kimberly Morris, Admissions
- Donna Shelton , Procurement & Business Services
- Lynn Shivers, Management, Marketing and International Business
30 Years of Service
- Joy Rhodes, Government
- Janice Thorn, Custodial Services
40 Years of Service
- Barbara Olds, Director University Library
- Carolyn Spears, Stone Fort Museum
President’s Achievement Award
- William “Bill” Bryant, Physical Plant - Grounds
- Kate Childress, Student Success Center
- James “Eddie” Colwell, Physical Plant Transportation
- Chris Cotton, University Archives
- Kay Johnson, Procurement & Business Services
- Cassandra Montesano, Agriculture
- Francisco “Paco” Morales, School of Music
- Kassondra Perry-Weaver, School of Nursing
March 3, 2023
Questions about affiliation? Access the facts by reviewing the University of Texas System proposal.
Staff Council has recently received numerous questions regarding the potential impacts of SFA's upcoming transition. Where updates are shared at each Council meeting, staff with specific questions are encouraged to reference the UT System proposal from October, which directly addresses the top 20 staff questions regarding affiliation.
If you still have questions, please email Staff Council at staffcouncil@sfasu.edu, comment online, or contact a Council representative.
February 6, 2023
February meeting to include discussion of campus catering, staff salaries
Staff Council will hold a meeting at 10 a.m. Monday, Feb. 13, in McGee Business Building, Room 133. Ms. Kim Lee, (Coordinator of Reservations and Conferences, Baker Pattillo Student Center) and Ms. Natasha Varela (Resident District Manager, Chartwells) will discuss campus catering and reservations, and Ms. Jessica Barrett (Budget Director, VP Finance and Administration) will speak about staff compensation increases. The meeting will be livestreamed via Zoom, and the meeting agenda is available on the Meeting Information page.
November 17, 2022
President’s Achievement Award staff nominations
This award recognizes outstanding service to the university by a staff employee.
In an effort to expand staff recognition, Staff Council is excited to announce a few notable changes for the 2022-23 award year. The number of recipients for this award has increased and will now include eight staff recipients per academic year. Additionally, recipients will receive an inscribed plaque as well as an increased total award amount of $750 (previously $500). Nominations will be reviewed and selected by the president based on the criteria listed below.
To be eligible for this award, an employee must meet the following criteria:
- Be a full-time, benefits-eligible staff member;
- Be employed at SFA for a period of at least one year as of August 31, 2022;
- Has not received the award within the last three years;
- Nominated by the SFA community – self nominations will not be accepted.
Nominations may be submitted electronically by faculty, staff, or students through the President’s Award Nomination Online Form. Additionally, hard copy forms and secure ballot boxes will be placed in the following locations: Physical Plant Department (PPD), Student Center Information Desk, PPD Operations, and Grounds and Transportation.
We encourage everyone to participate in the nomination process. Nominations will be open Wednesday, Nov. 30 through Wednesday, Dec. 14. If you have any questions, contact Sabrina Delaney ext. 2050, or delaneysk@sfasu.edu.
November 10, 2022
Staff Council to meet Monday
The Staff Council will meet at 10 a.m. Monday, Nov. 14, in McGee Business Building, Room 133. The meeting will be livestreamed via Zoom. An agenda for this meeting is available on the Meeting Information page.
October 11, 2022
University system responses available for review — feedback requested
University system responses are now available at sfasu.edu/system. You may also view a condensed version of staff-specific questions and responses.
Staff Council will now develop a report that outlines staff perceptions of the strengths and weaknesses of each system based on the responses noted above. Staff can provide feedback by:
- Completing the University System Response Feedback Survey.
- Sharing feedback with a designated Staff Council representative.
- Sharing feedback through the Staff Council’s comment form.
Further system affiliation discussions will take place at the Staff Council meeting on Monday, October 17.
September 23, 2022
Staff system affiliation questions finalized — view the questions and next steps
Employees can view the full list of staff system questions.
Staff Council anticipates receiving responses from the systems by October 6, and they will be posted to the university system affiliation website.
Next, Staff Council will hold a meeting on October 17 to discuss the responses from each system and to assess their strengths and weaknesses. The results of these discussions will be incorporated into a report and submitted to Dr. Westbrook by October 21. The report will later be presented at the October Board of Regents meeting.
Staff Council encourages staff to stay involved in these discussions by communicating with their Staff Council representative(s).
September 5, 2022
Special session announced — provide your feedback on university affiliation
Staff Council would like to hear from you regarding joining a university system! To facilitate your response, we're offering staff members multiple ways to provide input:
- Share your questions with a designated Staff Council representative.
- Share questions through the Staff Council’s comment form.
- Drop written questions into designated drop-boxes found at:
- Grounds and Transportation breakroom
- Physical Plant timeclock area
- Residence Life Operations training room
- Student Center information desk
- Complete the campus input form on the University System Affiliation Evaluation page.
Responses submitted by Friday, September 16 will be provided for discussion during a special session to be held 9:30 a.m. Monday, September 19 in McGee Business Building, Room 133. Zoom stream information will be shared with staff members via email.
August 2, 2022
August meeting to include presentation on FY23 budget, bonuses
SFA Budget Director Jessica Barrett will discuss the upcoming budget and employee bonuses during the August 8 Staff Council meeting, and employees also will hear updates on the new Employee Assistance Program. With Staff Council's inaugural year concluding, the gavel will be passed, and members will recognize new and outgoing representatives.
July 20, 2022
Staff Council elections to be held July 21 to 28
Recently selected nominees for SFA Staff Council representatives are slated for the 2022 election cycle, and voting will be open Thursday, July 21 through Thursday, July 28.
Representatives are elected by staff members according to occupational classification, and seats for 2022 are open in the professional, technical/paraprofessional, administrative support, and service/maintenance categories.
Your voice matters! Visit the Elections page and follow the instructions to cast your vote.
June 7, 2022
Upcoming meeting to host university president; nominations for elections open
Staff Council will host Interim President Dr. Steve Westbrook during its upcoming meeting Monday, June 13. The council will meet in McGee Business Building, Room 133, and Zoom stream information will be shared via email.
If you would like to be a part of the Staff Council’s ongoing efforts to advocate for campus improvement, see the Staff Council Elections page for details about submitting a nomination. Nominations for representatives will remain open through Friday, June 17, and elections will be held in July.
June 1, 2022
Staff Council seeking nominations for representatives
Are you interested in shaping conversations that affect SFA staff members? Are you willing to serve, or do you know another staff member willing to serve as a voice for campus employees? Be a part of the Staff Council’s ongoing efforts to advocate for campus improvement by nominating a staff member to run for office as a council representative.
Nominations for representatives will remain open from Monday, June 6 to Friday, June 17, and elections will be held in July.
April 8, 2022
April 18 topics to include space utilization, shared governance and training curriculum
Staff Council will host several guest speakers on a range of topics during its Monday, April 18 session.
- Mr. John Branch, Interim Director, Physical Plant
Update on the work of the Campus Master Plan Committee - Dr. Lorenzo Smith, Executive Vice President and Provost
Shared governance document - Mr. Brandon Stringfield and Ms. Kay Johnson
Update on the work of the Training Curriculum Task Force
View the complete meeting agenda on the Meeting Information page.
February 22, 2022
Staff Council to meet Feb. 28
The Staff Council Worklife Committee will present research on university systems during a special session Monday, February 28 at 1:30 p.m. The committee solicited questions from SFA staff members as part of its research. The findings are intended to inform and empower employees through research about system structure and organization, job security, and employee benefits.
The meeting will be held in the McGee Business Building, Room 133, and a Zoom link will be sent to staff members by email prior to the meeting.
February 9, 2022
Staff Council to meet Feb. 14
SFA's Staff Council will meet at 1:30 p.m. Monday, Feb. 14, in the McGee Business Building, Room 133, and via Zoom.
At the request of staff members and council representatives, attendees will hear a slate of presentations. Judi Kruwell, interim vice president for finance and administration, will discuss possible outsourcing of positions; John Wyatt, interim director of human resources, will address the recently released staff salary study; and Dr. Michara DeLaney-Fields, chief diversity officer, will discuss the upcoming campus climate survey.
Staff members will receive a Zoom link by email prior to the meeting for those who prefer to attend remotely.
The council encourages staff members to be involved in campus conversations by engaging with their representatives.
December 15, 2021
January meeting announced
Staff Council will meet on Monday, January 10 at 1:30 p.m. in McGee Business Building, Room 133. We also will stream the meeting on Zoom, and the Zoom info will be shared via SFA Today email.
November 18, 2021
Meeting agenda announced
Staff Council will hold its first official meeting on Thursday, December 2 at 1 p.m. This meeting is open to the public and will take place in the McGee Business Building room 133. Zoom meeting information will be sent in advance to staff members via email. You also may request a link by emailing Staff Council.
Download the meeting agenda.
Download the Staff Council bylaws.
October 25, 2021
- Staff Council’s bylaws committee has been hard at work researching and crafting bylaws. Council representatives have been providing input, and we hope to have a complete draft of the bylaws ready in early November. Once bylaws are finalized, we can proceed with our first official meeting. Watch SFA Today and your email for more information!
- Staff Council representatives provided feedback on the shared governance document. Once the document is finalized, it will be shared.
- We’re developing methods for easy, two-way communication between staff and Staff Council representatives. As these are launched, we’ll share information via email, SFA Today, and printed materials.
September 17, 2021
Staff Council formation and communication
Your Staff Council is hard at work on the following initiatives this fall:
- drafting and approving our organizational bylaws, which will govern the work of the council and provide the framework within which we operate
- developing a mission statement
- crafting goals for the council’s first year.
As your elected representatives begin the work of formalizing the creation of the Staff Council, we encourage you to stay informed, to be involved and to utilize this important group to serve the needs of our staff community.
Staying informed
One easy way to stay informed is to sign up for Staff Council JackText alerts to be sent to your mobile phone. Here’s how to sign up:
- Log in to mySFA.
- Click the Resources tab.
- Under Technical Services and Email Lists, click the link for Self-Service Banner.
- On the new page, click the Personal Information tab.
- Click the link for JackText.
If you have not signed up for JackText:
- Choose Add a cell phone and click Submit.
- When you fill out the next page, ensure you click the box beside Staff Council Notifications near the bottom.
If you previously signed up for JackText:
- Choose Modify a cell phone and click Submit.
- On the next page, choose the cellphone number you want to update.
- On the next page, ensure you click the box beside Staff Council Notifications near the bottom.
July 9, 2021
2021 nominations and elections
- Nomination period: Monday, July 12, to Friday, July 23
- Election period: Tuesday, Aug. 17, to Tuesday, Aug. 24