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SFA theatre students to preview SummerStage show at Blueberry Festival

NACOGDOCHES, TEXAS - Students in the Stephen F. Austin State University School of Theatre will promote the SummerStage Festival's children's show at the Texas Blueberry Festival June 11 in downtown Nacogdoches.

Morales awarded SFA's Gary Q. Frields Art Scholarship

NACOGDOCHES, Texas - The Friends of the Visual Arts at Stephen F. Austin State University have selected Plano junior Jacqueline Morales as this year's recipient of the Gary Q. Frields Art Scholarship.

To be eligible for the Frields award, students must "demonstrate an exemplary work ethic, show versatility in the use of media and techniques in two or more areas, and show innovation and quality in their work," according to the criteria established by Frields.

Moffett awarded SFA's Robert Kinsell Art Scholarship

NACOGDOCHES, Texas - The Stephen F. Austin State University School of Art has announced that sophomore photography student Jacob Moffett of Cypress is this year's recipient of the Robert Kinsell Art Scholarship, which was established and funded by the SFA Friends of the Visual Arts.

Elaine Bezold, visiting assistant professor of art in photography and digital media at SFA, recommended Moffett for the award.

Sponsorships sought for SFA art scholarship fundraiser

NACOGDOCHES, Texas - Volunteers with the Friends of the Visual Arts at Stephen F. Austin State University are busy organizing this year's 12X12 scholarship fundraiser and are seeking sponsors to help make it successful.

Restored Nacogdoches 1938 film to be shown again during festival

NACOGDOCHES, Texas - The SFA School of Art and Friends of the Visual Arts will offer Texas Blueberry Festival-goers the opportunity to view "Found Footage: Rediscovering Nacogdoches" and the George Hooker short promotional film "Nacogdoches: The Oldest Town."

The two films will be shown every hour on the hour starting at 10 a.m. with the last screenings starting at 3 p.m. on festival day, June 11, in The Cole Art Center @ The Old Opera House in downtown Nacogdoches. Copies of the DVD will be available for purchase during the festival.

SFA graduate history students create exhibition on history of African-American leaders in Nacogdoches

NACOGDOCHES, Texas - An exhibition highlighting the history of African-American leaders in Nacogdoches is the final product for students in a history graduate course within Stephen F. Austin State University's College of Liberal and Applied Arts.

SFA's educator preparation program hosts first appreciation banquet

NACOGDOCHES, Texas - Stephen F. Austin State University's educator preparation program within the James I. Perkins College of Education hosted its first Partners in Educator Preparation Appreciation Banquet on May 26 on the university campus.

During their final semester before graduation, SFA students majoring in education begin their student teaching in school districts across Texas.

SFA student completes master's degree online in India

NACOGDOCHES, Texas - More than 14,000 miles away in Bangalore, India, Stephen F. Austin State University graduate student Nandita Mehrotra puts the finishing touches on her thesis in preparation for its defense.

During the past few months, she has been studying patient-turnaround time at an outpatient cancer center in India and the role interior design plays in health care settings.

SFA theatre students plan biennial Ireland exchange

NACOGDOCHES, Texas - International experience and cultural exchange are at the heart of the biennial trip Stephen F. Austin State University theatre students make to Ireland every other June.

Visiting the sites of major events in Irish history, which is inextricably tied up in the country's dramatic tradition, is another key benefit. Throw in a lot of museum visits and theatre-going, and you have the makings of a once-in-a-lifetime learning experience, according to Dr. Richard Jones, professor of theatre in the SFA School of Theatre.

Jeb Bush to be featured as inaugural speaker for Nelson Rusche Distinguished Lecture Series at SFA

NACOGDOCHES, Texas - Stephen F. Austin State University's Nelson Rusche College of Business has announced former Florida Gov. Jeb Bush will serve as guest speaker for the college's inaugural Nelson Rusche Distinguished Lecture Series on Nov. 3.

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