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Art education students create videos for home-schooled students

NACOGDOCHES, Texas — Art education students and faculty members at Stephen F. Austin State University have created a series of YouTube videos designed to provide art instruction for students who are at home instead of in the classroom as a result of the worldwide COVID-19 pandemic.

Professor serves community by making personal protective equipment

NACOGDOCHES, Texas — Equipped with just 10 3D printers, Dr. Dan Bruton, director of engineering and professor in Stephen F. Austin State University’s Department of Physics, Engineering and Astronomy, is providing medical professionals on the frontline of the COVID-19 pandemic with lifesaving personal protection equipment.

Using a design he found online and modified, Bruton is utilizing the department’s printers to manufacture face shields and distribute them to Nacogdoches Memorial Health.

Student teachers help local families while gaining experience

NACOGDOCHES, Texas — To help the many local families now home-schooling children because of the COVID-19 crisis, SFA is providing live activity lessons online in the Supporters of Nacogdoches ISD Facebook group.

Student teachers in SFA’s Community Responsiveness and Engaged Advocacy in Teacher Education program, or C.R.E.A.T.E., are presenting live 30-minute activity lessons from 2 to 3 p.m. CDT on Mondays and 10 to 11 a.m. CDT on Wednesdays via Zoom through May 6.

Sewing for a cause: Faculty, staff, community join forces to construct protective masks and gowns

NACOGDOCHES, Texas — What began a few weeks ago with Stephen F. Austin State University theatre faculty members sewing surgical mask coverings for medical professionals battling the spread of COVID-19 in Nacogdoches County has now grown to include the construction of protective gowns for health care workers.

SFA lecturer transitions course to help students adjust to life online

NACOGDOCHES, Texas — While classrooms around the country are transitioning to an online format, Dr. Paul Shockley, lecturer in Stephen F. Austin State University’s Division of Multidisciplinary Studies, is transitioning his course to better fit into his students’ lives.

Shockley’s Introduction to Ethics course initially included a research paper to end the semester. Following the ongoing pandemic, however, students will now submit weekly discussion posts about the ethics of people groups reacting to the crisis.

SFA art education students create videos for homeschooled students

NACOGDOCHES, Texas – Art education students and faculty at Stephen F. Austin State University have created a series of YouTube videos designed to provide art instruction for students who are at home instead of in the classroom as a result of the worldwide COVID-19 pandemic.

SFA mass communication students videoconference with industry professionals

NACOGDOCHES, Texas – Special guests Norm Hitzges and Donovan Lewis, cohosts on Dallas sports radio station The Ticket, recently videoconferenced with Stephen F. Austin State University mass communication students about career expectations.

The pair shared their knowledge and experience while answering student’s questions, which included how to adapt to an audience and finding new story angles in the midst of COVID-19.

SFA master’s degree in mass communication receives national ranking

NACOGDOCHES, Texas - The Stephen F. Austin State University Master of Arts in mass communication with a public relations specialization was ranked the No. 1 most affordable online degree in the United States by OnlineU, an organization that provides a free and comprehensive guide that enables students to compare all online colleges in the U.S.

SFA biology students take first place in undergraduate poster presentation at ecological symposium

NACOGDOCHES, Texas — Two students from Stephen F. Austin State University’s Department of Biology recently placed first for the best undergraduate poster presentation at Texas A&M’s Ecological Integration Symposium.

Jordan Griffin of Chandler and Zachary Hutchens of Nacogdoches virtually presented their poster “Distribution of the non-native Sheepshead Minnow (Cyprinodon variegatus) in the Brazos River, Texas: Implications for niche overlap with its native congener Red River Pupfish (Cyprinodon rubrofluviatilis).”

SFA students, faculty train Lufkin SSLC employees to help residents with visual impairments

NACOGDOCHES, Texas — Nearly 20 new employees at the Lufkin State Supported Living Center are blindfolded while seated at tables in a training room. They are given objects of various shapes and sizes and asked to guess what they are.

Some easily determine they’re holding cereal bars and cans of soda. “But what kind of cereal bar and which soda?” asks DJ Dean, clinical instructor and orientation and mobility internship coordinator in the James I. Perkins College of Education at Stephen F. Austin State University.

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