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SFA helps ensure teaching talent for East Texas students through grant

NACOGDOCHES, Texas — Stephen F. Austin State University teacher candidates and East Texas students are benefiting from a grant program launched by the Texas Education Agency in 2018.
One of the goals of the Grow Your Own grant program is to recruit and retain teacher candidates in hard-to-staff areas like small and rural school districts.

SFA’s STEM Academy provides area students hands-on research opportunities

NACOGDOCHES, Texas — Sounds of chirping frogs filled the air, but it wasn’t coming from the pond students in Stephen F. Austin State University’s STEM Academy sat near. Sarah Riley and Kennedy Tinajero listened intently on a laptop to breeding frog calls they recorded, counting the number of frogs and seeking to identify the different types of calls for a project examining the factors that influence frog behavior.

SFA theatre alumna lands TV host job with Space Center Houston

NACOGDOCHES, Texas – Stephen F. Austin State University alumna Mai Le is the host of Space Center Houston’s Explorer Camp TV, a new weekly show that gives audiences an up-close look at the exciting world of human space exploration.

A 2013 graduate in the School of Theatre, Le lives in the Houston area and works as a freelance actor in film, commercials, theatre and voiceover. As host for Explorer Camp TV, Le introduces guests and new segments and occasionally facilitates interviews with educational specialists at Space Center Houston.

SFA students promote sustainability through Green is the New Black event

NACOGDOCHES, Texas — From newspaper floral arrangements and locally sourced food to a fashion show featuring clothing created from recycled materials, sustainability was the name of the game last Wednesday night as Stephen F. Austin State University students presented Green is the New Black.

SFA fashion merchandising and hospitality administration students partnered to coordinate the event, which raised awareness about sustainability.

Cole Art Center to host SFA Alumni Showcase, printmaking exhibition

NACOGDOCHES, Texas – The Stephen F. Austin State University School of Art will host two exhibitions – a showcase of alumni art work and an exhibition of artist books from the Booklyn Gallery – Oct. 27 through Jan. 14 in The Cole Art Center @ The Old Opera House in downtown Nacogdoches.

A reception for the double opening with artists in attendance is scheduled from 6 to 8 p.m. Saturday, Oct. 29, at Cole Art Center. The exhibitions are a presentation of the Stephen F. Austin State University College of Fine arts and School of Art.

SFA’s A Cappella Choir to preview Germany tour program

NACOGDOCHES, Texas – Stephen F. Austin State University’s A Cappella Choir will present its “Fall Concert” at 7:30 p.m. Thursday, Oct. 27, in Cole Concert Hall in the Wright Music Building on the SFA campus.

Dr. Tim King, director of choral activities for the SFA School of Music, conducts the choir, which will preview music to be performed during the ensemble’s tour of Germany in May.

SFA Charter School raises funds through annual walk-a-thon

NACOGDOCHES, Texas — The SFA Charter School joined with its Parent-Teacher Organization to host the eighth annual walk-a-thon Friday in Johnson Coliseum on the university’s campus.

Approximately 265 SFA Charter School students participated in the fundraising event, which benefits the school’s learning trips, children’s performing arts series, author visits, fitness days and social events.

Each grade and class competed to raise funds through sponsorships and walking in the coliseum. The walk-a-thon raised more than $17,100.

Chikawa Aztec Dancers returning to Día de los Muertos Fiesta

NACOGDOCHES, Texas – This year’s Día de los Muertos Fiesta will once again feature the popular Chikawa Aztec Dancers returning to perform at the fourth annual celebration slated for 5 to 9 p.m. Saturday, Nov. 5, in downtown Nacogdoches in and around The Cole Art Center @ The Old Opera House.

Jeb Bush to be featured as inaugural speaker for Nelson Rusche Distinguished Lecture Series at SFA

NACOGDOCHES, Texas — Stephen F. Austin State University’s Rusche College of Business will host its inaugural Nelson Rusche Distinguished Lecture Series at 7:30 p.m. Thursday, Nov. 3, in the Baker Pattillo Student Center Grand Ballroom on the university’s campus. Former Florida Gov. Jeb Bush will serve as guest speaker.

“We are so pleased to launch the Nelson Rusche Distinguished Lecture Series by featuring as our speaker such a notable and accomplished businessman and politician,” said Dr. Tim Bisping, dean of SFA’s Rusche College of Business.

SFA’s Dr. Linda Black receives distinguished award

NACOGDOCHES, Texas — Dr. Linda Black, associate professor in Stephen F. Austin State University’s Department of Secondary Education and Educational Leadership, received the Billy Sills Distinguished Service Award from the Texas Council for the Social Studies, which is a nonprofit organization serving social studies educators and supporters across the state.

The award honors members who have demonstrated exemplary service to the organization and exemplify the professional social studies educator, according to the council’s website.

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