All business programs are accredited by the Association to Advance Collegiate Schools of Business.
The Rusche College of Business has remained accredited with the AACSB since first reaching the milestone in 1976. The MBA program followed suit in 1982.
Less than 5% of all schools offering degree programs in business at the bachelor level or higher worldwide hold AACSB accreditation, making the Rusche College of Business one of only 876 business institutions with the distinction. Every five years, accredited schools go through a Continuous Improvement Review to confirm accreditation status. The college’s most recent five-year review occurred in 2019.
With strong enrollment, outstanding students, and a host of top-flight programs like the Career Success Passport and the Mast Student Investment Roundtable, and with new majors and a world-class faculty, the college, aligned with the highest global standards in business education, prepares graduates for careers in a wide array of disciplines.