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A broad-based degree with deep knowledge

SFA’s Bachelor of Business Administration in General Business offers a wide range of classes that you can combine and customize to suit your interests and career goals. Considering law school? An emphasis in legal studies might be just the ticket.

General Business, BBA

This major is designed for students interested in developing a broad-based understanding of business disciplines while providing students the flexibility to emphasize a specific area within the broader framework of business courses. As a general business student, you will complete a selection of core courses that will give you a strong foundation of business knowledge. From there, you can complete business courses that align with your interests and intended career path. 

Online completer-program option

The online option is designed for students who have earned an associate degree in business from a two-year institution and are limited by time and distance in their options for completing a BBA. Students who do not have an associate degree may still be able to complete the online BBA.

All SFA undergraduate students must complete the university's core curriculum. Business students also must complete two business common courses, including the Career Success Passport, and BBA students are required to complete foundations of knowledge business courses.

Required courses

  • BUSI 2304 - Business Communication
  • BLAW 3335 - Business Law
  • BUSI 3325 - Business, Ethics, and Society
  • BUSI 4361 - Professional Development and Integration

Elective courses

Three credit hours from:

  • BUSI 3321 - Information Technology
  • MGMT 4372 - Management Information Systems
  • MKTG 4325 - Marketing Technology and Digital Media

Six credit hours representing two of the following areas:

  • Law
    • BLAW 3355 - Sports and Entertainment Law
    • BLAW 3366 - Real Estate Law
    • BLAW 4337 - International Legal Environment of Business
    • BLAW 4356 - Employment and Agency Law
    • BLAW 4368 - Oil and Gas Law
    • BLAW 4378 - Environmental Regulatory Law
  • Communication
    • BCOM 3347 - Oral Communication in Business Contexts
    • BCOM 4347 - Organizational Communication
    • BCOM 4350 - Leadership Communication for Business
  • Technology
    • BUSI 3310 - Business Communication Technologies
    • BUSI 4340 - Data Management for Business
    • BUSI 3350 - Foundations of Data Visualization

Curriculum requirements

View the Loading... webpage in the bulletin for full details.

Suggested course sequence

The general business degree major academic planner serves as a guide to help you be "on track" for graduation by taking the right courses in the right order.

Partnerships for transfer students

SFA has partnered with Angelina CollegeLone Star Community College, Panola College and Trinity Valley Community College to offer a streamlined pathway allowing you to easily transfer credits toward your SFA degree.

General Business minor

This minor is available for non-business majors who have an interest in combining their major with business. Several courses associated with this minor are available online.

Curriculum details

Required courses

  • ECON 2301 - Principles of Macroeconomics
  • One course from each of the following paired listings:
    • ACCT 1301 - Small Business Accounting
      • or ACCT 2301 - Principles of Financial Accounting
    • BUSI 1301 - Business Principles
      • or FINC 3369 - Personal Finance
    • BUSI 2304 - Business Communication
      • or BLAW 3335 - Business Law
  • Nine advanced semester credit hours in business courses with no more than six advanced semester credit hours from any one of the following areas:
    • accounting
    • business communication
    • business law
    • economics
    • finance
    • general business
    • management
    • or marketing.

Curriculum requirements

View the Loading... webpage in the bulletin for full details.

Contact the Department of Business Communication and Legal Studies

Mailing Address:
P.O. Box 13060, SFA Station
Nacogdoches, Texas 75962

A A C S B Accredited