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Major Triumphs: SFA alumna recalls lifetime of cherished memories

Holding the vintage whistle to her lips, she blows it with gusto as if revisiting the days when she dressed in her drum major uniform and directed the 1939-40 Lumberjack Band on SFA's Birdwell Field.

A born leader and performer, Arnodean "Deana" Bolton Covin's '72 drive for perfection pushed her to excel in everything she attempted.

"As a child, she entered a singing contest and won second place. That wasn't good enough," Covin's daughter, Jadean Roberts, said. "She wanted to do something she could be the best at, so she taught herself to twirl a baton."

Sweet success: Mom's legacy lives on in busy Houston-area bakery

Grant Girouard '91 learned a valuable lesson about baking from his mother, Rose, who founded The Cake Lady Bakery in Friendswood in 1981. Every confection the bakery produces must contain the precise measurements of flour, sugar, eggs, milk and butter. In addition, there is a special ingredient that his mother blended in to each item that made it stand out from other bakeries-love.

SFA to screen 'The Fog of War'

NACOGDOCHES, Texas - The Stephen F. Austin State University School of Art and the Friends of the Visual Arts will present a free, one-night screening of "The Fog of War" at 7 p.m. Friday, Jan. 15, in The Cole Art Center @ The Old Opera House in downtown Nacogdoches.

Jones exhibition to feature drawings, prints, paintings

NACOGDOCHES, Texas - The work of Charles D. Jones will be showcased in an exhibition that opens with a reception from 6 to 8 p.m. Thursday, Jan. 14, in The Cole Art Center @ The Old Opera House in downtown Nacogdoches.

"East Texas Impressions: The Art of Charles D. Jones" will feature drawings, prints and paintings of the professor emeritus in the School of Art at Stephen F. Austin State University who now serves as director and master printer for the LaNana Creek Press in SFA's College of Fine Arts.

SFA Music Preparatory students perform in high school all-region orchestra concert

History in the making: Radio/TV journalist discusses his induction into the Texas Radio Hall of Fame and events surrounding JFK's assassination

LIKE SO MUCH in history, Jerome Davis' career as a broadcast journalist can be traced to one incident.

T.L.L. Temple Foundation gift aimed at ensuring adequate medical care in East Texas

The T.L.L. Temple Foundation has awarded a grant to Stephen F. Austin State University that will support a proposed Master of Science in nursing degree and allow healthcare professionals to pursue careers as family nurse practitioners.

SFA's hospitality administration students volunteer more than 780 hours

NACOGDOCHES, Texas - More than 130 students in Stephen F. Austin State University's hospitality administration program participated in a service-learning pilot project this semester that generated 786 volunteer hours.

Faculty members for each course within the program included a six-hour service-learning component to their syllabi.

SFA mass communication students serve as social media ambassadors to Nacogdoches businesses

NACOGDOCHES, Texas - Stephen F. Austin State University mass communication students recently contributed research and an estimated 600 hours of social media work for five Nacogdoches businesses.

Students enrolled in social media content production, a course offered by SFA's mass communication department, worked collaboratively with local businesses, which, in turn, provided experience managing social media.

Banker Phares receives Nancy C. Speck Development Award at SFA Gala

NACOGDOCHES, Texas — The Nancy C. Speck Development Award was presented during the 27th Stephen F. Austin State University Gala to Banker Phares, who serves as the John and Karen Mast Professor in SFA’s Nelson Rusche College of Business. Phares also is a senior lecturer of finance and director of SFA’s financial planning program.

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