Planning a Maker Assignment

The primary goal of the makerspace is to support student learning. In many cases, this learning will come as a result of the integration of maker tools and resources into program and course curricula. We acknowledge that the integration of maker technologies and assignments feels more natural in some disciplines than others and that faculty have varying levels of experience and comfort with maker resources. We are committed to working with individual faculty members to identify the maker competencies they seek to develop in students and then to collaborating with them to create valuable learning experiences. The makerspace partners with the Center for Teaching and Learning to provide support for curricular integration of maker technologies. For assistance, please email Megan Weatherly at

If an element of your course will require students to use equipment in the SFA Makerspace, please let us know by completing the Assignment Information Form. This helps us plan machine use, order appropriately and ensure we do not exceed space capacity.

The makerspace is located on the first floor of the Steen Library, directly across from the AARC. Learn more about our mission on our About page. We are actively working with faculty seeking to utilize the makerspace in courses and research. We would love to work with you! Email us at to discuss how we can best help you.

Pre-Visit Information

Before bringing a class to the Makerspace, please complete the Class Reservation Request Form at least 72 hours (not including weekends or holidays) in advance. This form collects important details about your visit so that the Makerspace staff can support you as best as possible. Reservation requests are reviewed quickly. Makerspace will contact you within 24 to 48 hours with confirmation of request or suggestions for alternate dates.

Make your class’s first visit to the Makerspace more efficient by: