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About the Faculty Senate

Baker Pattillo Student Center


Welcome to the Faculty Senate website!

Within these web pages you will find the Faculty Senate roster with a full list of current senators and emails; minutes from this year's meetings as well as archived minutes; a list of the senate committees and members; links to other university faculty senates and higher education websites; and much more. 

Who are the faculty senators?

Senators are volunteer, elected faculty who represent each college proportionally. According to the senate constitution, representation from each college is determined by allotting one representative for every four percent of the voting faculty in each respective college. Faculty from each college represent their constituents across campus to advocate for the best interests of university faculty here at SFA.

What does the Faculty Senate do?

Since it’s creation in 1970, the SFA Faculty Senate has worked diligently to serve the faculty through representation and active leadership in working toward common goals. Through senate committees, meaningful work is planned and carried out to increasingly move SFA in a positive direction to create the best working and learning environment possible.

The Faculty Senate is intended to be a voice to represent all faculty. In order for the senate to represent and advocate for its constituents, we welcome you to contact your representatives with any issues, concerns, comments, questions, or ideas. You will find contact information for each senator listed on the Senate Roster, or you can send a message to the senate chair through the contact information at the bottom of the website.

Where and when does the Faculty Senate meet?

The Faculty Senate meets once every month during the academic school year. We encourage you to view our meeting dates for information regarding times and locations. All meetings are open to the public, and faculty are invited and encouraged to attend.

Arye Chakravartty
Arye Chakravartty
Faculty Senate Chair, 2024-2025

Thank you for visiting this site! Please let the Faculty Senate know what we can do to serve you.

Warm Regards,

Arye Chakravartty
Faculty Senate Chair, 2024-2025 


The Faculty Senate
Email the Faculty Senate Chair Arye Chakravartty at