Industrial Collaborations

Mass spectrometer

Research & Fieldwork

Preparing Students for a Career in Mass Spectroscopy

The Department of Chemistry and Biochemistry introduces its majors to the fundamentals of instruments, such as ultra-performance liquid chromatography mass spectrometers and ion chromatography involving method development of pesticides, drugs and other chemicals. 

This intensive training gives our students the knowledge and experience of complex analytical instrumentation. Many graduates of other institutions never see a mass spectrometer, but our graduates are trained and ready to be productive in analytical laboratories from the first day of employment. 

Thermo Fischer Scientific provided the instrumentation, supplies and support needed for our program to begin training students.

The department is very excited about this opportunity and looks forward to making a difference in the education and success of its students. This unique program influences how future chemistry programs work in partnership with industry to prepare students to succeed upon graduation. Students receive the exact training they would normally obtain during the first year of employment, thereby accelerating their productivity and cutting the industry’s startup costs for new employees.